Which Elder Scrolls Online class is right for you?


Created 6/24/2024



Q & A

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Discover which Elder Scrolls Online class is perfect for you with this exciting quiz! Answer 10 questions and find out how well you know the different classes.

Discover which Elder Scrolls Online class is perfect for you with this exciting quiz! Answer 10 questions and find out how well you know the different classes.

1. What is your preferred combat style?

Close-quarters melee
Ranged magic attacks
Stealth and surprise attacks
Summoning allies and creatures

2. Do you enjoy managing pets or summoned creatures in combat?

Yes, I love having pets/followers to help out
No, I prefer to fight alone
Only if they provide specific buffs/debuffs
Depends on the situation

3. Which role do you find most appealing?

Tank - absorbing damage and protecting allies
DPS - dealing high damage to enemies
Healer - keeping allies healthy and buffed
All-rounder - a mix of roles

4. How important is self-healing to you?

Essential, I prefer to rely on myself
Somewhat important, but not a deal-breaker
Not very important, as long as I have damage
Irrelevant, I focus more on other abilities

5. What kind of thematic flair do you like in a class?

Fire and earth manipulation
Electricity and storm conjuring
Shadow and stealth tactics
Nature and animal companions

6. Do you prefer a class that is easy to play or one that is challenging but rewarding?

Easy to play, I enjoy simplicity
Challenging but rewarding
Somewhere in between
Depends on my mood

7. How do you feel about crowd control abilities?

Love them, they are crucial
Neutral, I can take them or leave them
Prefer a few but not too many
Dislike them, I'd rather focus on damage

8. What kind of damage do you prefer to deal?

Magical damage
Physical damage
A combination of both
Poison and disease damage

9. How comfortable are you with managing resources (stamina/magicka)?

Very comfortable, I excel at it
Comfortable, but prefer simple resource management
Occasionally forget to manage them properly
I'd rather focus on combat and let others manage resources

10. What is your favorite type of in-game environment?

Lush forests and natural areas
Dark dungeons and crypts
Urban settings and bustling cities
Open plains and desert landscapes