Which Mob Psycho 100 Character Are You?

Idyllic via DISCORD

Idyllic via DISCORD

Created 8/1/2024



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Discover which character from the anime Mob Psycho 100 best matches your personality and traits. Unleash your psychic potential and find out if you're more like Shigeo, Reigen, or another beloved character!

Discover which character from the anime Mob Psycho 100 best matches your personality and traits. Unleash your psychic potential and find out if you're more like Shigeo, Reigen, or another beloved character!

1. How do you handle situations that require you to step up as a leader?

I use my charm and wit to guide others and resolve the issue.
I prefer to lead by example and inspire others through my actions.
I analyze the situation carefully and strategize before making decisions.
I step up and take charge confidently, guiding others to a resolution.

2. When faced with a personal failure, how do you typically react?

I stay determined to improve and try again, no matter the challenge.
I use my failure as a stepping stone to manipulate the situation in my favor next time.
I reflect on what went wrong and try to learn from the experience.
I feel initially discouraged but rely on my support network to regain confidence.

3. How would you describe your approach to forming new friendships?

I'm opportunistic; I make friends based on potential mutual benefits.
I tend to be selective, forming deep bonds with a few people.
I find it challenging, but I genuinely want to connect with others.
I easily make friends thanks to my charm and social skills.

4. You come across a person in need of help. What do you do?

I help because there might be a benefit for me later.
I help and use my skills to guide them out of the situation.
I immediately offer help without expecting anything in return.
I assess the situation first and then decide if it’s worth my time.

5. How do you engage with your hobbies?

I try different hobbies to find new opportunities or fun experiences.
I pursue hobbies that enhance my skills or social standing.
I enjoy hobbies that allow me to be analytical and strategic.
I am deeply passionate and often lose track of time while engaging in my hobbies.

6. In a high-pressure situation, what’s your gut reaction?

I stay calm and composed, thinking through the problem logically.
I feel the urge to use any means necessary to get through it.
I take charge and direct others to ensure a quick resolution.
I rely on my intuition and quick thinking to navigate the situation successfully.

7. How do you usually express your emotions?

I strategically use my emotions to get what I want.
I usually keep them to myself, preferring to stay reserved.
I mask my true feelings and show what I think others expect.
I’m open about my feelings and don’t hesitate to show them.

8. What drives you to achieve your goals?

A desire to understand myself and become a better person.
Ambition and the desire for power or recognition motivate me.
I want to make a meaningful impact on the world around me.
I’m driven by opportunities that can benefit me personally.

9. Which of these best describes your reaction to criticism?

I often dismiss or deflect criticism, focusing on my own perspective.
I appreciate honest feedback and take it constructively.
I strategically respond to criticism, using it to my advantage.
I take it to heart and use it to improve myself.

10. How do you handle conflicts with others?

I generally try to avoid conflicts and maintain peace.
I try to understand the other person’s perspective and find common ground.
I use manipulation or strategic thinking to resolve conflicts in my favor.
I confront conflicts directly, ensuring my point is heard.

11. What’s your primary method for handling stress?

I talk to friends or mentors to gain perspective and support.
I find solace in hobbies or activities that distract me.
I analyze the situation and strategize to alleviate stress.
I face stress head-on and tackle it aggressively.

12. If given the opportunity, how would you prefer to achieve your goals?

I’d strategize and plan each step meticulously to ensure success.
I’d prefer to work hard on my own, taking personal responsibility.
I’d like to inspire and guide a team to achieve collective success.
I’d use innovative and unconventional approaches to stand out.

13. What kind of environment do you thrive in?

A solitary environment where I can focus undisturbed.
A supportive and collaborative environment where I can learn and grow.
A competitive environment that pushes me to my limits.
An innovative and dynamic environment full of new opportunities.