Which Attack on Titan Character Are You?


Idyllic via DISCORD

Idyllic via DISCORD

Created 7/17/2024



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Find out which Attack on Titan character matches your personality! From fierce warriors to strategic masterminds, discover who you would be in the world of Titans.

Find out which Attack on Titan character matches your personality! From fierce warriors to strategic masterminds, discover who you would be in the world of Titans.

1. How do you typically approach solving a complex problem?

I analyze the situation from all angles and plan meticulously.
I consider the well-being of everyone involved before proceeding.
I rely on my instincts and take swift, decisive action.
I consult with my team to develop the best strategy together.

2. In a crisis situation, what role do you naturally take on?

I support and protect my friends and loved ones.
I find a strategic position and use my skills to the best of my ability.
I act on my own to quickly neutralize the threat.
I take charge and lead others through the situation.

3. Which of these values is most important to you?

Bringing joy and light to those around me.
Loyalty and protecting those I care about.
Strategic thinking and planning ahead.
Taking decisive action and leading others.

4. How do you respond when faced with a moral dilemma?

I stick to my principles, even if it makes things difficult.
I rely on my emotions and instincts to guide me.
I prioritize practical solutions that can be implemented immediately.
I try to find a balance, considering all perspectives.

5. What type of leadership style resonates with you?

Leading by caring and nurturing the team.
Commanding and ensuring efficiency through strict discipline.
Encouraging creativity and new ideas within the team.
Charismatic and inspiring others to follow a vision.

6. How do you handle stress and high-pressure situations?

I seek guidance and teamwork to overcome the stress.
I try to bring some levity and keep spirits high.
I remain calm and focused, using logic to navigate the situation.
I rely on my emotions to fuel my actions.

7. Which action resonates most with your decision-making process?

I think about the logical consequences of each decision.
I consult others to explore all possible viewpoints.
I consider the practicalities and immediate needs.
I lead with my heart, trusting my feelings.

8. When working in a team, which best describes your role?

I focus on tactical support and bridging gaps.
I often lead the group and make key decisions.
I bring energy and keep morale high.
I provide protection and support to the team members.

9. How do you typically react to betrayal or loss?

I use it as motivation to protect others better.
I struggle but eventually find a way to cope.
I become more determined to achieve my goals.
I try to understand the reasons behind it.

10. What is your stance on rules and regulations?

I believe they should be questioned and challenged.
I see them as necessary for order and stability.
I view them as guidelines more than strict rules.
I follow them but am not afraid to bend them if needed.

11. How important is loyalty to you in your relationships?

Loyalty is important, but I balance it with personal happiness.
Loyalty is important, but I won't let it cloud my judgment.
I value loyalty but prioritize the greater good.
Loyalty is everything; I stand by my friends and loved ones no matter what.

12. How would you describe your level of curiosity and desire to explore new ideas?

I am very curious and constantly seek new knowledge.
I am curious but prefer to ensure new ideas are practical.
I am open to new ideas but maintain a focus on my goals.
I am more focused on immediate tasks than exploring new concepts.

13. When faced with a difficult choice, what is your decision-making process?

I weigh the pros and cons, considering both practical and emotional aspects.
I trust my instincts and go with what feels right.
I consult with others to get different perspectives before deciding.
I analyze all available data before making a logical choice.