Which Baldur's Gate 3 Character Are You?

Idyllic via DISCORD

Idyllic via DISCORD

Created 8/7/2024



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Step into the world of Baldur's Gate 3 and discover which character you most align with! Will you be the cunning rogue, the heroic paladin, or the enigmatic sorcerer? This quiz will dive into your personality, choices, and affinities to reveal your true Baldur's Gate 3 counterpart.

Step into the world of Baldur's Gate 3 and discover which character you most align with! Will you be the cunning rogue, the heroic paladin, or the enigmatic sorcerer? This quiz will dive into your personality, choices, and affinities to reveal your true Baldur's Gate 3 counterpart.

1. How do you handle conflict within a group?

I take charge and enforce the most efficient solution.
I listen to all sides and mediate fairly.
I avoid conflict and seek alternative paths.
I charm everyone and find a compromise.

2. What motivates you to take on a challenging quest?

Excitement and the thrill of the unknown.
Knowledge and curiosity.
A sense of duty and justice.
The pursuit of power and influence.

3. How do you usually prefer to solve problems?

Using charm and diplomacy.
With the help of magic and knowledge.
Through sheer force and determination.
By devising strategic and tactical plans.

4. What traits do you value most in your allies?

Cunning and resourcefulness.
Loyalty and bravery.
Power and ambition.
Wisdom and knowledge.

5. How would you describe your moral alignment?

Neutral - Balance is key in all things.
Lawful Good - Always do right by the law and others.
Chaotic Good - Break rules if it means doing good.
Lawful Evil - Use rules for personal gain and power.

6. What is your preferred combat style?

Magic and spells.
Stealth and cunning.
Ranged attacks and agility.
Close combat with brute force.

7. How do you respond when faced with an unexpected danger?

Face it head-on without hesitation.
Seek an escape or avoidance route.
Use diplomacy to defuse the danger.
Evaluate the situation and strategize.

8. How do you make important decisions?

By following my gut instinct.
With careful logical analysis.
By following my personal code of ethics.
By considering the emotional impact on others.

9. What's your ideal way to spend free time?

Socializing and forming connections.
Exploring and seeking adventure.
Training and improving my skills.
Reading and expanding my knowledge.

10. How do you handle a betrayal?

Forgive and look for reconciliation.
Seek immediate revenge.
Analyze and understand the reasons behind it.
Use it as a strategic opportunity.

11. What is more important to you during a journey?

Learning and gaining wisdom.
Building strong alliances.
Achieving great victories.
Experiencing excitement and adventures.

12. What role do you play in a team?

A diplomat who mediates disputes.
A leader who takes charge.
A strategist who plans effectively.
A combatant who fights skillfully.