What Planet in the Star Wars Universe Should You Live On?


Created 6/28/2024



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Ever wondered which planet in the Star Wars universe aligns perfectly with your personality? Take this quiz to find out where you should call home in a galaxy far, far away!

Ever wondered which planet in the Star Wars universe aligns perfectly with your personality? Take this quiz to find out where you should call home in a galaxy far, far away!

1. Which climate do you prefer?

Tropical with lush jungles
Desert and arid
Cold and icy
Urban and bustling

2. What's your ideal landscape?

Oceans and beaches
Mountains and forests
Canyons and rocky terrain
Skyscrapers and cityscape

3. How do you feel about interacting with diverse alien species?

Love it! The more diverse, the better
I prefer mostly human company
Some diversity is nice, but not too much
I’m indifferent

4. Which activity suits you best?

Exploring ancient ruins
Trading and commerce
Polar expedition
Political intrigue and diplomacy

5. How advanced should your society be?

Primitive and close to nature
Moderately advanced
Highly advanced with cutting-edge technology
A mix of ancient culture and advanced tech

6. What kind of transportation do you prefer?

Riding exotic creatures
Speeders and land vehicles
Ice skiffs and snow speeders
Skycars and air taxis

7. How would you describe your ideal home?

A treehouse in the forest
A tent among the dunes
A cozy igloo
A high-rise apartment

8. What kind of weather do you enjoy?

Warm and sunny
Dry and hot
Cold and snowy
Variable and moderate

9. What type of cuisine do you prefer?

Seafood and aquatic dishes
Simple and hearty meals
Survival rations and preserved food
Gourmet and diverse flavors

10. How important is history and tradition to you?

Very important, I love learning about the past
I’m focused on the present
I enjoy some historical context
I prefer a culture with a blend of new and old traditions