Which Star Wars Species Are You?


Created 6/28/2024



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Find out which Star Wars species you truly belong to with this fun and enlightening quiz! Discover your inner Wookiee or Jedi Knight as you explore the diverse galaxy of Star Wars.

Find out which Star Wars species you truly belong to with this fun and enlightening quiz! Discover your inner Wookiee or Jedi Knight as you explore the diverse galaxy of Star Wars.

1. What is your preferred environment?

Dense forests
Urban cityscapes
Aquatic worlds

2. How do you handle conflicts?

Diplomacy and negotiation
Strategic planning
Direct combat
Avoidance and stealth

3. Which characteristic best describes you?

Intelligent and strategic
Strong and resilient
Agile and swift
Charismatic and charming

4. What motivates you the most?

Wisdom and knowledge
Power and strength
Freedom and exploration
Wealth and influence

5. How do you prefer to travel?

On foot
In a starship
By speeder
Swimming or underwater vessels

6. What is your ideal way to spend leisure time?

Studying and learning new things
Training and exercise
Exploring new places
Socializing and networking

7. How do you view other species?

Fascinating and worth studying
Potential allies or rivals
Generally untrustworthy
Opportunities for interaction and trade

8. What type of food do you prefer?

Vegetarian and plant-based
Meat and high-protein
Exotic and unique cuisines
Simple and traditional dishes

9. What role do you often take in a team?

Leader and decision-maker
Protector and enforcer
Scout and recon specialist
Diplomat and negotiator

10. How do you react to danger?

Face it head-on
Come up with a quick plan
Assess and adapt
Try to avoid it if possible