Which Anime Protagonist Are You?


Created 7/9/2024



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Ever wondered which anime protagonist you're most like? Answer these questions to find out whether you're more like Naruto, Goku, Ichigo, or someone else entirely!

Ever wondered which anime protagonist you're most like? Answer these questions to find out whether you're more like Naruto, Goku, Ichigo, or someone else entirely!

1. When faced with a difficult challenge, how do you typically respond?

I seek help and advice from others
I eagerly dive in headfirst to overcome it
I carefully analyze the situation before acting
I try to avoid the challenge if possible

2. How would you describe your leadership style?

I prefer to work behind the scenes and strategize
I collaborate with others and value teamwork
I lead from the front and inspire others through my actions
I'm uncomfortable being in charge and prefer to follow

3. What type of hobby or activity do you enjoy most in your free time?

Reading, studying, or other intellectual pursuits
Physical training and improving my skills
Creative activities like art or music
Spending time with friends and socializing

4. How important is friendship to you?

Somewhat important, but not a top priority
Extremely important - my friends are like family
Not very important - I prefer to rely on myself
Important, but I also value my independence

5. When solving problems, what approach do you typically take?

I rely on my instincts and take action quickly
I seek advice and input from others before deciding
I try to find creative or unconventional solutions
I use logic and careful planning to find the optimal solution

6. How do you typically react to unexpected situations?

I carefully assess before taking any action
I stay calm and adapt quickly to the new circumstances
I get excited by the challenge and opportunity
I feel anxious and try to regain control of the situation

7. What motivates you most in life?

Gaining knowledge and understanding the world
Achieving my personal goals and dreams
Seeking justice and fighting for what's right
Protecting and helping others

8. How do you handle conflicts with others?

I avoid conflict when possible and try to keep the peace
I analyze the situation logically to find the best solution
I try to understand the other person's perspective and find compromise
I confront the issue directly and stand my ground

9. What's your attitude towards rules and authority?

I'm not concerned with rules and do what I think is best
I generally follow rules but will break them if necessary for a good cause
I respect rules and believe they're important for maintaining order
I tend to question or challenge rules I disagree with

10. How do you feel about your own abilities and potential?

I believe in my potential but sometimes doubt myself
I'm often unsure of my abilities and compare myself to others
I'm very confident in my abilities and constantly strive to improve
I focus more on teamwork than individual abilities