What's Your Mood Song?

Idyllic via DISCORD

Idyllic via DISCORD

Created 8/6/2024



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Ever wondered which song perfectly captures your current mood? Answer these questions about how you're feeling and what you enjoy, and we'll recommend the ideal track for you.

Ever wondered which song perfectly captures your current mood? Answer these questions about how you're feeling and what you enjoy, and we'll recommend the ideal track for you.

1. How are you feeling right now?

Happy and upbeat
Sad or reflective
Energetic and lively
Relaxed and calm

2. What activity do you enjoy the most?

Exercising or working out
Reading or meditating
Spending time with friends
Relaxing on the beach

3. Which music genre do you prefer?


4. How would you describe a significant recent life event?

A joyful celebration
A moment of reflection
Facing a challenge
A quiet period

5. How would you describe your current energy level?

High energy
Low energy
Calm and mellow
Moderate energy

6. What's your favorite way to relax?

Reading a book
Spending time with loved ones
Going for a walk
Listening to soft music

7. How do you feel about social interactions?

Prefer alone time
Love being around people
It depends on my mood
Enjoy small gatherings

8. What recent experience stands out to you the most?

Enjoying a fun activity
A meaningful conversation
Achieving a personal goal
Overcoming a challenge

9. What brings you the most joy?

Creative pursuits
Spending time with loved ones
Achieving personal goals
Experiencing new things

10. What do you aspire to achieve?

Exploring new opportunities
Peace and tranquility
Personal growth
Building relationships

11. What challenge do you currently face?

Lack of motivation
Processing a loss
High stress or anxiety
Feeling isolated

12. How do you prefer to start your day?

With a calm, peaceful breakfast
Catching up with news or social media
With an energetic workout
Reading a book or meditating