Which K-Pop Song Matches Your Current Mood?

Idyllic via DISCORD

Idyllic via DISCORD

Created 7/19/2024



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Discover the perfect K-Pop song to match how you're feeling right now. This quiz will delve into your emotional state and recommend a track that resonates with your vibe.

Discover the perfect K-Pop song to match how you're feeling right now. This quiz will delve into your emotional state and recommend a track that resonates with your vibe.

1. What kind of K-Pop tempo are you in the mood for?

Slow and soothing
Mid-tempo and groovy
Varies across the song
Fast and energetic

2. Which daily activity best describes your current state?

Working or studying
Chilling at home
Exercising or gym
Going out with friends

3. What genre do you lean toward?


4. Which statement resonates most with you right now?

I'm in a reflective mood.
I feel nostalgic.
I'm ready to party.
I’m feeling conflicted.

5. Describe your current energy level.

Very high

6. Which word best describes how you want to feel?


7. What kind of visual style do you prefer in music videos?

Retro and nostalgic
Bright and colorful
Sleek and modern
Dark and moody

8. How do you handle stress?

Reflecting and relaxing
Socializing with friends
Exercising or sports
Listening to music

9. Which season's vibe are you currently into?

Spring - Fresh and hopeful
Summer - Fun and energetic
Autumn - Reflective and calm
Winter - Cozy and serene

10. How do you usually feel at the end of the day?

Reflective and pensive
Satisfied and joyful
Energetic and ready for more
Tired but content

11. What type of lyrics do you resonate with?

Simple and happy
Emotional and contemplative
Inspirational and uplifting
Confident and assertive

12. Which scenario feels most appealing to you right now?

A lively concert
An inspiring art gallery
A peaceful day at the park
Relaxing at a cozy café

13. How do you feel about collabs and features in songs?

Love them, the more the merrier
I don't mind either way
Prefer solo performances
Depends on the artist