Which Black Mirror Character Are You Based on Your Choices?


Created 6/24/2024



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Discover which Black Mirror character you are based on your choices in this thought-provoking quiz!

Discover which Black Mirror character you are based on your choices in this thought-provoking quiz!

1. How do you generally make decisions?

Using logic and facts
Following my gut and emotions
Consulting others for their opinions
Weighing the potential outcomes

2. What's your approach to dealing with conflict?

Confront it head-on and find a solution
Avoid it if possible
Seek to understand all perspectives first
Try to negotiate and find a compromise

3. How do you handle stress?

Distraction through entertainment or hobbies
Talking to friends and family
Organizing and planning
Taking time to reflect and meditate

4. What role do you usually take in a group setting?

Leader – I like to take charge
Supporter – I help where I can
Mediator – I resolve conflicts
Observer – I prefer to watch and listen

5. How would you react to a sudden life-changing event?

Embrace it and adapt quickly
Feel overwhelmed and need time alone
Seek advice and support from others
Analyze the situation and plan next steps

6. What's your attitude towards technology?

Embrace it fully
Skeptical, but understand its benefits
Struggle but try to keep up
Prefer a more traditional approach

7. If faced with a moral dilemma, how would you proceed?

Stick to my personal values
Consider the greater good
Seek opinions of people I trust
Analyze all possible outcomes

8. How do you set and achieve your goals?

Through meticulous planning and hard work
By staying motivated and passionate
Flexibly adapting to changing circumstances
Collaborating with others for support

9. How do you view relationships?

They are fundamental to my happiness
Important but secondary to my personal goals
I value deep, meaningful connections
An essential part of life to balance everything

10. How would you describe your ideal work environment?

Structured and orderly
Creative and flexible
Collaborative and friendly
Independent and autonomous