Which Black Mirror Protagonist Are You?


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Created 7/15/2024



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Which Black Mirror protagonist are you?

Which Black Mirror protagonist are you?

1. How do you react under extreme stress?

I act on impulse, sometimes making rash decisions.
I seek help or guidance from others.
I try to keep calm and find a rational solution.
I shut down emotionally and need time to process.

2. What role does technology play in your life?

I embrace it and use it to enhance my life.
I am cautious and critical of its influence.
I try to minimize its role in my life.
I feel dependent on it but worry about the consequences.

3. When faced with a moral dilemma, how do you decide what to do?

I weigh the pros and cons carefully before acting.
I follow my gut feeling even if it means breaking the rules.
I prioritize the well-being of others above all else.
I choose the option that benefits me the most.

4. How do you handle relationships and personal connections?

I keep a balance and maintain healthy boundaries.
I invest deeply and am very committed to my relationships.
I experience ups and downs, but I keep trying.
I struggle to connect with others on an emotional level.

5. What is your greatest fear?

Failing to protect those I care about.
Being misunderstood or isolated.
Loss of control over my life or self.
Losing autonomy due to technology.

6. How do you perceive societal norms and expectations?

I question and often challenge them.
I try to find a middle ground and balance.
I follow them only when convenient, otherwise I ignore them.
I strive to meet them and gain societal approval.

7. What motivates you the most?

Achieving personal success and recognition.
Seeking new experiences and thrills.
Protecting and helping others.
Understanding and navigating emotional complexities.

8. How do you deal with regrets about past choices?

I acknowledge them and try to move forward.
I use them as lessons to improve myself.
I try to bury them and avoid thinking about them.
I continuously dwell on them and they haunt me.

9. How do you feel about exploring new and unknown territories?

I am cautious but open to new possibilities.
I feel anxious and avoid unfamiliar situations.
I prefer familiar and safe environments.
I am enthusiastic and always ready for an adventure.

10. How do you handle situations where you have to keep a secret?

I keep secrets only when absolutely necessary.
I believe in transparency and hardly ever keep secrets.
I find it stressful and struggle to keep secrets.
I am good at keeping secrets and can be very discreet.