Discover Your Dating Stereotype!

Idyllic Icon


Created 6/26/2024



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Find out which dating stereotype best describes you and uncover the secrets behind your dating habits.

Find out which dating stereotype best describes you and uncover the secrets behind your dating habits.

1. What's your ideal first date?

A fancy dinner at an upscale restaurant
A casual coffee date
An adventurous outdoor activity
A cozy movie night at home

2. How do you feel about splitting the bill on a date?

I prefer paying the whole bill
I like splitting it equally
I expect my date to pay
It depends on how the date goes

3. Which of these best describes your texting habits in a new relationship?

I text back immediately
I wait a few hours before replying
I only text when necessary
I get anxious if they don't reply quickly

4. How do you usually express your feelings?

Through words and compliments
Through physical affection
By doing things for them
I have trouble expressing my feelings

5. How important is it to you that your partner is financially stable?

Very important
Somewhat important
Not very important
Not important at all

6. How do you handle conflicts in a relationship?

I try to talk it out calmly
I avoid conflicts as much as possible
I confront them head-on
I need time to cool off before addressing it

7. What are your thoughts on public displays of affection (PDA)?

I love it
I'm okay with some PDA
I prefer to keep it private
I find it uncomfortable

8. How soon do you introduce your partner to your friends or family?

As soon as possible
After a few dates
Only when the relationship becomes serious
I prefer to keep my dating life private

9. How do you feel about dating someone from a different cultural background?

I'm open and excited about it
I'm curious but cautious
I prefer to date within my own cultural background
I have no strong feelings either way

10. Which of these best describes your approach to relationship roles?

Traditional gender roles
Shared responsibilities
Modern and flexible roles
Unsure or no preference

11. How do you deal with jealousy in a relationship?

I openly discuss it with my partner
I keep it to myself
I trust my partner and don't get jealous
It depends on the situation

12. What's your view on talking about past relationships with your current partner?

I think it's important to share
I avoid talking about the past
I only share if it comes up naturally
I'm indifferent about it