Which 'Teen Mom' Couple Are You?


Created 6/26/2024



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Find out which 'Teen Mom' couple you are with this fun categorization quiz! Discover your true Teen Mom personality!

Find out which 'Teen Mom' couple you are with this fun categorization quiz! Discover your true Teen Mom personality!

1. What is your relationship style like?

Lots of ups and downs but we always work it out
Fairly smooth with occasional bumps
Constant drama and turbulence
Calm and supportive

2. How do you both handle conflict?

We argue a lot but make up quickly
We discuss things calmly and find a solution
One of us tends to shut down
We try to avoid conflict altogether

3. What is your approach to parenting?

We work as a team to make decisions
One of us takes the lead
We have very different parenting styles
We learn and adapt together

4. How do you spend your weekends together?

Going on family outings
Watching movies at home
Attending social events
Handling household chores and errands

5. What is your biggest challenge as a couple?

Balancing work and family
Financial stability
Trust and communication
Finding time for each other

6. How do you celebrate special occasions?

Going out for a fancy dinner
Having a quiet night at home
Throwing a big party
Taking a short trip or vacation

7. What is your favorite type of date night?

Dinner and a movie
Outdoor adventure
Staying in with takeout
Attending a concert or event

8. How do you handle household responsibilities?

We split them evenly
One takes on more than the other
We do them together as a team
We hire help when possible

9. How do you keep the romance alive?

Surprise gestures and gifts
Regular date nights
Affectionate texts and calls
Spontaneous trips or activities

10. What is the foundation of your relationship?

Trust and honesty
Love and passion
Respect and understanding
Common goals and values