Which internet troll are you?


Created 6/30/2024



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Find out which internet troll category you belong to with this fun and insightful quiz!

Find out which internet troll category you belong to with this fun and insightful quiz!

1. How do you usually react when you see a post you strongly disagree with?

Make a sarcastic comment to highlight the absurdity.
Twist the words to make the author look foolish.
Post the author's personal information to 'expose' them.
Reply with off-topic and vulgar remarks.

2. When participating in online discussions, what is your primary goal?

To entertain and create chaos.
To reveal the 'truth' to others.
To incite anger and provoke reactions.
To show that I'm smarter than everyone else.

3. How do you handle being confronted online?

I keep my cool and joke about it.
I turn their words against them.
I escalate by sharing incriminating details about them.
I use profanities and troll harder.

4. What motivates you to join an online community?

To bring some fun and mischief.
To expose the 'truth' that others ignore.
To cause trouble and disrupt normalcy.
To find and criticize everything wrong in posts.

5. How do you choose your targets for trolling?

Anyone posting something I can twist into a joke.
People who seem overly confident or sure of their views.
Anyone who angers me or disagrees with me.
People who take online discussions too seriously.

6. What kind of posts do you typically respond to?

Anything that can be joked about.
Misleading or overly confident statements.
Posts that personally offend or anger me.
Posts from people I consider naive or ignorant.

7. If you were a supervillain in the online world, what would your signature move be?

Creating elaborate pranks.
Twisting facts to create confusion.
Releasing others' private information.
Using crude and off-topic insults.

8. What phrase best describes your online persona?

The mischievous joker.
The master of manipulation.
The vengeful avenger.
The crude insulter.

9. When someone tries to ignore you online, how do you react?

I create even funnier comments to catch their attention.
I post even more distorted versions of what they said.
I expose their personal details to ensure they notice me.
I ramp up the profanities and off-topic remarks.

10. How do you feel when someone responds angrily to your trolling?

Amused and entertained.
Vindicated that my manipulation worked.
Satisfied that I provoked a strong reaction.
Excited and ready to troll harder.