Which online forum troll are you?


Created 6/30/2024



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Find out which online forum troll matches your personality with this fun quiz! Discover your troll persona and see how you fit into the online trolling community.

Find out which online forum troll matches your personality with this fun quiz! Discover your troll persona and see how you fit into the online trolling community.

1. How do you feel about engaging in heated debates online?

I thrive on it. It's the best part of online forums.
I prefer to watch from the sidelines and jump in occasionally.
I avoid it at all costs. Too stressful.
I don't mind it if it helps prove my point.

2. How do you typically respond when someone disagrees with your opinion?

I challenge them aggressively and demand evidence.
I try to understand their point of view and discuss calmly.
I ignore them and move on.
I make sarcastic remarks and mock their stance.

3. What's your primary goal when participating in online discussions?

To entertain myself and others.
To search for the truth and expose lies.
To make friends and build a community.
To provoke and see how people react.

4. How often do you change your username on forums?

Almost never. Consistency is key.
Only when I absolutely have to.
From time to time, to keep things fresh.
Frequently, to avoid being recognized.

5. What kind of topics do you find most interesting to discuss online?

Controversial topics. They generate the most excitement.
Hobbies and interests. They bring people together.
Everyday life. It's relatable and easygoing.
Philosophical and deep topics. They challenge the mind.

6. How do you handle being called out or criticized by other users?

I double down and defend myself.
I reflect on their points and consider changing my behavior.
I ignore it. Everyone is entitled to their opinion.
I retaliate with even stronger criticism.

7. What's your usual reaction when someone asks a basic question on a forum?

I provide a detailed answer to help them.
I redirect them to a search engine.
I mock them for not knowing.
I ignore it and move on.

8. Do you use humor in your posts, and if so, how?

Yes, to make light of serious situations.
Occasionally, to lighten the mood.
Rarely, I prefer serious discussions.
Yes, but often as sarcasm or irony.

9. How important is anonymity to you when using online forums?

Extremely important. It allows me to express myself freely.
Somewhat important. I value privacy.
Not very important. I don't mind being known.
Not important at all. I'm open about my identity.

10. What would you do if a forum moderator warns you about your behavior?

Challenge the moderator and argue my case.
Apologize and adjust my behavior.
Ignore the warning and continue as usual.
Find a new forum where my style is accepted.