Are You a Troll or Just Sarcastic?


Created 6/30/2024



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Discover if you have a genuine talent for sarcasm or if your trolling tendencies are truly top-notch with this fun quiz!

Discover if you have a genuine talent for sarcasm or if your trolling tendencies are truly top-notch with this fun quiz!

1. You're about to comment on a thread about the latest Overwatch patch. How do you proceed?

Discuss the changes in detail.
Make a witty, sarcastic remark about a specific change.
Jokingly say the patch ruined the game.
Ask a question to further discussion.

2. A player posts an exciting idea for a new game mode. You respond by:

Praising their creativity.
Sarcastically suggesting a ridiculous addition.
Pointing out the flaws in their idea humorously.
Asking how it would work in detail.

3. Someone posts a long rant about Genji needing buffs. You reply with:

A detailed counter-argument.
A sarcastic 'Yeah, because he's so weak already.'
A funny meme about Genji.
A neutral comment about differing perspectives.

4. How do you handle a troll that enters your thread?

Engage them with facts.
Sarcastically agree with everything they say.
Respond with a comically exaggerated reaction to their comments.
Report them immediately.

5. What's your opinion on Overwatch’s matchmaking system?

It needs improvement.
It's flawless, just like me (sarcasm).
It's so fair, sometimes I feel like I'm smurfing in Grandmaster (sarcasm).
It’s challenging but fair.

6. In response to a salty teammate in-game, you type:

"GG, better luck next time."
"Oh yes, it's always the team's fault (sarcasm)."
"You did great, maybe consider a break?"
Nothing, silence is golden.

7. A heated debate ensues about the best strategy for a specific map. Your input is:

Share a detailed strategy you know works.
Post a humorous but ineffective strategy.
Say something completely off-topic to lighten the mood.
Ask questions to further understand both sides.

8. You’ve been called out for trolling in a forum discussion. Your response is:

Explain your intentions clearly.
Deny it and laugh it off.
Pretend to be oblivious.
Apologize if someone was offended.

9. If Overwatch released a hero that completely counters your main, you would:

Discuss counters and strategies.
Jokingly demand the hero be nerfed immediately.
Create a meme about the hero.
Ask other players how they handle the hero.

10. What would you do if a moderator warns you for being sarcastic?

Clarify that you were being sarcastic.
Reply with a sarcastic apology.
Challenge the warning.
Accept the warning and move on.