Quiz: Rock of Gibraltar - Test Your Knowledge of This Iconic Landmark
Created 7/2/2024
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How well do you know one of the world's most iconic and historically significant landmarks? Test your knowledge of the Rock of Gibraltar with our detailed quiz. From ancient history to modern significance, see if you can get all 10 questions right!
1. Which civilization referred to the Rock of Gibraltar as the end of the known world?
2. What is the height of the highest point of the Rock of Gibraltar?
1,270 feet
1,350 feet
1,398 feet
1,450 feet
3. The Rock of Gibraltar is home to which species of monkey?
Howler Monkeys
Capuchin Monkeys
Barbary Macaques
Spider Monkeys
4. Besides macaques, what other significant wildlife can be observed at the Rock of Gibraltar?
5. What is the unique geological process responsible for the formation of caves in the Rock of Gibraltar?
Volcanic Activity
Erosion by Wind
Dissolution of Calcite
Sandstone Compression
6. What is the name of the prominent tourist attraction cave found on the western slope of the Rock?
Hercules Cave
Michael’s Cave
Aphrodite’s Cave
Plato’s Cave
7. Which of the following is not a part of the Rock of Gibraltar?
Rock Gun Battery
O’Hara’s Battery
Signal Hill
Monte Hacho
8. During which historical event did the British use the Rock of Gibraltar to regulate, protect, and ensure the continuity of essential shipping?
World War I
Napoleonic Wars
Spanish Succession War
World War II
9. What is the mythological significance of the Rock of Gibraltar for the Romans?
Mount Olympus
Mons Calpe
Mons Atlas
Mons Titus
10. Which peak marks the central peak of the Rock and includes the top station of the Gibraltar Cable Car?