Which For Honor Character Are You?


Idyllic via DISCORD

Idyllic via DISCORD

Created 7/18/2024



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Find out which warrior from the intense battles of 'For Honor' you are! This personality quiz will reveal if you align with the fierce Knights, the cunning Samurai, the brutal Vikings, or the formidable Wu Lin.

Find out which warrior from the intense battles of 'For Honor' you are! This personality quiz will reveal if you align with the fierce Knights, the cunning Samurai, the brutal Vikings, or the formidable Wu Lin.

1. What's your preferred weapon on the battlefield?

Spear and Shield
Sword and Shield
Dual Axes

2. Which strategic approach do you prefer during battle?

Brute strength, overwhelming the enemy with power.
Hit-and-run tactics, avoiding prolonged engagements.
Direct confrontation, leading from the front.
Deception and agility, striking when least expected.

3. How do you handle a surprise attack?

Use the surprise to set up a trap.
Evade and look for an opening to strike back.
Stand firm and defend against the assault.
Counter-attack with fierce aggression.

4. What's most important in a leader?

Tactical intelligence.
Cunning and flexibility.
Brute strength and dominance.
Honor and duty.

5. Which personality trait do you most identify with?

Calm and graceful.
Mysterious and cunning.
Fierce and aggressive.
Resilient and steadfast.

6. How do you deal with an ally who refuses to follow orders?

Reassign them to a less critical task.
Speak to them and try to reason out.
Intimidate them into compliance.
Deal with their insubordination after the battle.

7. What motivates you in battle?

Personal power and gain.
Honor and glory.
The thrill of chaos.
Protecting those you care about.

8. How do you view your enemies?

As prey to be hunted.
With respect as worthy opponents.
With disdain and ruthlessness.
As competitors to be outsmarted.

9. How do you recover after a defeat?

Persist without changing your approach.
Withdraw and plan for a stronger return.
Seek vengeance and reclaim honor.
Reflect and learn from the experience.

10. Which environment do you prefer to fight in?

Open fields and plains.
Urban or densely populated areas.
Forests and wilderness.
Fortified castles and battlements.

11. How do you view allies on the battlefield?

Those who need protection and guidance.
Prefer fighting solo, minimizing reliance.
As tools to achieve victory.
As essential partners.

12. What is your preferred method of asserting dominance?

Strategic acumen and planning.
Psychological tactics and fear.
Sheer physical strength and intimidation.
Demonstrating superior skill.