Which Street Fighter Character Are You?

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Created 6/25/2024



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Find out which Street Fighter character you embody with this fun and exciting quiz! Are you a charming and quick-witted Ryu, a strategic and disciplined Chun-Li, or a powerful and untamed Sagat? Take this quiz to discover your inner warrior!

Find out which Street Fighter character you embody with this fun and exciting quiz! Are you a charming and quick-witted Ryu, a strategic and disciplined Chun-Li, or a powerful and untamed Sagat? Take this quiz to discover your inner warrior!

1. How do you approach a challenge?

Head-on with determination
Strategically and with planning
With excitement and enthusiasm
Calmly and composed

2. Which environment do you prefer for training?

A traditional dojo
A high-tech facility
In the wild and natural places
A bustling city gym

3. What motivates you the most?

Honor and tradition
Seeking personal strength
Excelling in competition
Defending others

4. How do you handle defeat?

Learn from it and improve
Analyze what went wrong
Brush it off and move on
Take it very personally

5. What is your fighting style based on?

Speed and agility
Power and strength
Technique and skill
Unpredictability and tricks

6. Who are you fighting for?

My own growth
My country or organization
My family and friends
Justice and righteousness

7. Which type of outfit or costume appeals to you?

Traditional martial arts attire
Military uniform
Sporty and practical gear
Flashy and unique outfit

8. What would you do after a big victory?

Reflect and meditate
Celebrate with friends
Continue training
Use it to inspire others

9. Pick a favorite martial art or fighting style.


10. What's your ultimate goal?

Mastering my art
Revenge or justice
Becoming the strongest
Helping others improve

11. Who's your ideal opponent?

A worthy rival
A powerful villain
Someone fast and agile
Someone who uses raw strength

12. How do you feel about teamwork?

Not for me, I work solo
We can achieve more together
Only if necessary
I enjoy being part of a team