Which Metal Subgenre Are You?

Idyllic via DISCORD

Idyllic via DISCORD

Created 7/28/2024



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Ever wondered which metal subgenre best suits your personality? Answer these questions about your music preferences, lifestyle, and traits to find out!

Ever wondered which metal subgenre best suits your personality? Answer these questions about your music preferences, lifestyle, and traits to find out!

1. Which band do you listen to the most?

Cannibal Corpse
Electric Wizard

2. How often do you go to concerts?

A few times a year
Every chance I get!

3. What style of clothing do you prefer?

All black with leather and spikes
Flamboyant and colorful
Casual jeans and band t-shirts
Fantasy-inspired outfits

4. Which musical instruments fascinate you the most?

Raw and brutal drumming
Operatic vocals and keyboards
Traditional folk instruments
Aggressive guitar solos

5. What best describes your personal philosophy?

Mysticism and spiritualism
Rebellion against the system
Exploring inner darkness
Epic tales of heroism

6. How would you describe your daily routine?

Creative and artistic
Calm and steady
Varies from day to day
High-energy and fast-paced

7. What is your preferred social setting?

Balanced mix of both
Solo time and introspection
Intimate and close-knit groups
Large, energetic gatherings

8. What are your favorite pastimes?

Exploring nature and history
Playing video games
Creating art or music
Reading dark literature

9. How do you feel about mainstream music?

I appreciate it but prefer niche genres
I love mainstream hits!
I enjoy some of it
I can't stand it

10. Which describes your most rebellious action in life?

Expressed individuality through appearance
Participated in a protest or rally
Challenged societal norms in everyday life
Spoke up against authority

11. Which album cover art do you prefer?

Bold and colorful
Dark and minimalist
Fantastical and epic
Abstract and thought-provoking

12. What is your dream festival lineup?

Metallica, Megadeth, Slayer
DragonForce, Helloween, Kamelot
Nightwish, Epica, Within Temptation
Candlemass, My Dying Bride, Electric Wizard