Discover Your Perfect Metal Band

Idyllic via DISCORD

Idyllic via DISCORD

Created 7/17/2024



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Unleash your inner metalhead with our quiz! Answer a few questions about your musical tastes and mood to find the perfect Metal band that matches your style.

Unleash your inner metalhead with our quiz! Answer a few questions about your musical tastes and mood to find the perfect Metal band that matches your style.

1. What general music genres do you enjoy the most?

Folk, World Music
Rock, Punk, Alternative
Electronic, Industrial
Classical, Jazz, Progressive

2. Which themes resonate most with you in music?

Fantasy, Epic Battles
Darkness, Mystery, Chaos
Melancholy, Grandeur
Personal Struggles, Emotions

3. How do you usually feel while listening to music?

Excited, Adrenaline-Pumped
Relaxed, Calm
Aggressive, Energized
Introspective, Thoughtful

4. What type of vocal style do you prefer?

Operatic, Powerful
Growling, Screaming
Clean and Melodic
Raspy, Raw

5. Which instrumental sound catches your ear the most?

Technical Guitar Solos
Atmospheric Keyboards
Folk Instruments
Heavy Bass and Drums

6. What type of metal subgenre do you gravitate towards?

Thrash, Speed
Melodic, Symphonic
Progressive, Experimental
Dark, Extreme

7. What's your ideal concert experience?

Intimate, Underground Shows
High-energy, Mosh Pits
Atmospheric, Immersive
Theatrical, Large-scale Productions

8. Do you prefer lyrical complexity or straightforward messages?

Complex and Thought-provoking
Emotional and Personal
Straightforward and Impactful
Mythical and Epic

9. What kind of instrumentation do you prefer in metal?

Technical and Fast
Melodic and Harmonious
Electronic and Synthesized
Heavy and Slow

10. Which of these album covers appeals to you most?

A complex, abstract pattern or design
Industrial, mechanical imagery
A vibrant, fantastical scene full of action
A dark, monochromatic, eerie landscape

11. How important are powerful vocals to you?

Slightly important, prefer more subdued vocals
Moderately important, as long as it fits the music
Very important, I love powerful and intense vocals
Not important, I focus more on the instrumentals

12. Which era of bands do you connect with the most?

Bands from the '80s and '90s
Classic bands from the '60s and '70s
Bands from the early 2000s
Modern bands with a contemporary sound

13. Do you prefer bands with a heavy social or political message?

No, I prefer more abstract or fantastical themes
I don’t focus much on the lyrics
Yes, I like music with a strong message
Depends on how it's presented