Which League of Legends Champion Are You?

Idyllic via DISCORD

Idyllic via DISCORD

Created 8/3/2024



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Unlock your inner champion! This personality quiz dives into your in-game decisions, playstyle, and personality to determine which League of Legends character you embody the most. Are you a fearless jungler or a strategic support? Find out now!

Unlock your inner champion! This personality quiz dives into your in-game decisions, playstyle, and personality to determine which League of Legends character you embody the most. Are you a fearless jungler or a strategic support? Find out now!

1. When playing League of Legends, which role do you most enjoy?

Top Lane – I prefer solo lanes and brawling it out one-on-one.
Mid Lane – I love being the centerpiece of the team, making crucial plays and decisions.
Jungle – I like the freedom to roam and influence the game where needed.
Support – I enjoy helping my teammates and setting up plays.

2. What kind of abilities do you enjoy using the most?

Defensive and control abilities that help protect my team.
Sustained damage and consistent poking to whittle down enemies over time.
High mobility and outplay potential abilities.
High damage burst abilities that can quickly take down opponents.

3. In critical game situations, how do you usually make decisions?

I rely on my instincts and experience.
I act on the spur of the moment, adapting quickly.
I follow a strategic plan, focusing on long-term moves.
I look for input from my team and make collective decisions.

4. How do you usually handle teamwork in a match?

I thrive as a part of the team, supporting them as much as possible.
I prefer to work alone and occasionally assist my teammates.
I like to lead the team and make sure everyone is coordinated.
I balance between my own goals and my team's needs.

5. Which of these describes your in-game personality the best?

Protective and team-focused.
Unpredictable and daring.
Calm and calculated.
Bold and action-oriented.

6. What is your top priority during a match?

Controlling objectives and the flow of the game.
Keeping my teammates alive.
Dealing as much damage as possible.
Outplaying my opponents with skillful maneuvers.

7. When you see an opportunity to secure a kill but risk dying, what do you do?

Avoid the risk and focus on safer opportunities.
Go for the kill - high risk, high reward.
Weigh the risks carefully before deciding.
Assess if it helps the team and then act.

8. What kind of playstyle do you enjoy the most?

Fast-paced and aggressive.
Protective and control-based.
Adaptive and opportunistic.
Strategic and methodical.

9. When an ally is in trouble, how do you respond?

I prioritize my own gameplay and objectives.
I always try to help, even at great personal risk.
I help if it does not put me at too much risk.
I weigh the situation and decide if it’s worth intervening.

10. What do you enjoy most about playing League of Legends?

Mastering complex mechanics and high skill expression.
The excitement of intense battles and high-stakes plays.
Strategizing and outsmarting opponents.
Helping and supporting my team.

11. Which phrase best describes your gaming philosophy?

Teamwork makes the dream work.
Victory through any means necessary.
Have fun and make memorable plays.
Enjoy the process and improve over time.

12. How do you usually react when your team is losing?

Rally the team and keep everyone motivated.
Take risks to potentially change the outcome.
Stay calm and look for ways to turn the game around.
Double down on my own efforts to carry the game.