What Kind of League of Legends Player Are You? Take the Quiz!


Created 6/28/2024



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Find out what kind of League of Legends player you are by taking this fun and revealing quiz!

Find out what kind of League of Legends player you are by taking this fun and revealing quiz!

1. You’re in champion select. What’s your preferred role?

Top Lane
Mid Lane

2. How do you approach in-game conflict with your teammates?

Calmly try to mediate
Focus on leading the team
Ignore and keep farming
Strategize and adapt

3. Which quality do you value most in your champions?

High Burst Damage

4. How do you deal with a team that's falling behind?

Split-push to draw pressure
Coordinate a comeback strategy
Focus on getting picks
Provide vision and support

5. What is your reaction when your lane opponent gets an early kill on you?

Play safer and wait for opportunities
Analyze what went wrong and adjust
Ask for ganks
Ward up and stay under turret

6. When do you typically roam to help other lanes?

When my lane is pushed
Whenever there's a chance to make a difference
After I've built a lead
Seldom, I focus on my own lane

7. What part of the game do you enjoy the most?

Early lane phase
Mid-game skirmishes
Late-game team fights
Macro play and shotcalling

8. How do you react when the other team secures an important objective?

Keep calm and plan a counterplay
Execute a lane swap
Look for a retaliation play
Focus on control wards and vision

9. What’s your in-game communication style like?

Frequent and detailed
Decisive and direct
Focused on key moments
Minimal and only necessary pings

10. Which of these activities resonates most with you outside of gaming?

Solo hiking
Team sports
Gardening or taking care of pets
Volunteering and community service