Which Zelda Villain Are You?

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Created 7/14/2024



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Step into the world of Hyrule and discover which iconic Zelda villain resonates with your unique qualities. Answer these hypothetical scenarios and uncover your dark alter-ego!

Step into the world of Hyrule and discover which iconic Zelda villain resonates with your unique qualities. Answer these hypothetical scenarios and uncover your dark alter-ego!

1. You find a powerful artifact that could grant you immense power but at a cost. What do you do?

Use it immediately, regardless of the consequences.
Study it and find a way to minimize the cost before using.
Destroy it to prevent anyone from ever using it.
Hide it away where no one, including yourself, can find it.

2. How do you prefer to handle your enemies?

Avoid confrontation and use indirect methods.
Confront them head-on with brute force.
Use cunning and deceit to outsmart them.
Employ psychological manipulation to break them.

3. You discover a traitor among your ranks. How do you handle the situation?

Turn them to your side and use them as a double agent.
Publicly execute them to set an example.
Expose their betrayal and let your followers decide their fate.
Secretly eliminate them to maintain morale.

4. What motivates you the most in your quest for power?

A deep-seated desire for chaos and destruction.
A desire for recognition and respect.
An insatiable lust for ultimate control.
A complex sense of honor and duty.

5. In the heat of battle, what is your preferred tactic?

Overwhelming force to crush your enemies swiftly.
Employing traps and ambushes to disorient your foes.
Precise, calculated strikes to exploit weaknesses.
Using illusion and psychological warfare.

6. A powerful enemy offers to form an alliance with you. What do you do?

Reject the offer, preferring to rely on your own strength.
Feign acceptance but plan to betray them later.
Accept the alliance to tackle larger threats.
Make them your subordinate instead.

7. What do you value most in your followers?

Loyalty and obedience above all.
Cunning and resourcefulness.
Willingness to challenge and inspire you.
Strength and prowess in battle.

8. If you had to choose a location for your lair, where would it be?

A dark, foreboding castle.
A majestic tower overlooking your domain.
A remote cave filled with ancient relics.
A hidden sanctuary deep in a mystical forest.

9. How do you deal with failure?

Blame others and take out your frustration on them.
Double down and push harder to succeed.
Withdraw and rethink your entire approach.
Analyze what went wrong and adapt your strategy.

10. What would be your first action if you seized control of a kingdom?

Form alliances with other rulers to secure your position.
Reward your most loyal supporters.
Create grand displays of power to intimidate dissenters.
Enforce strict new laws to consolidate power.

11. What is your guiding principle when making decisions?

Embrace chaos to disrupt the status quo.
Protect those who are loyal.
Might makes right.
The ends justify the means.