Discover Your Zelda Villain Match!

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Created 7/14/2024



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Which Zelda Villain are you?

Which Zelda Villain are you?

1. Which of the following best describes your approach to achieving your goals?

Relentless pursuit of ultimate power, regardless of the cost.
Causing chaos and destruction just for your own amusement.
Manipulating and deceiving others to get what you want.
Using artistic measures to control and subdue your enemies.

2. How do you handle betrayal?

Indifferently dismiss the betrayer as insignificant.
Use betrayal to fuel your rage and power.
Meticulously plan your revenge, manipulating events to your favor.
Punish betrayals with swift and brutal vengeance.

3. Which of the following powers would you prefer to wield?

Immense physical strength and dark magic.
Mystical and transformative sorcery.
Manipulation and possession through shadows.
Ability to cause pure chaos and destruction.

4. In a battle, what strategic approach do you take?

Tactical manipulation and outwitting your enemy.
Creating chaos to throw your opponents off balance.
Direct confrontation with overwhelming force.
Using magic and transformation to gain the upper hand.

5. How would you describe your leadership style?

Authoritative and commanding through sheer power.
Inspiring loyalty through charisma and flair.
Using manipulation and deceit to control others.
Leading by instilling chaos and fear.

6. What is your vision for the world?

To cause chaos and watch the world burn.
To transform and manipulate everything for my own gain.
To conquer and rule with absolute power.
To reshape the world according to my vision.

7. Which element of nature do you find most appealing?

Fire and Destruction.
Shadow and Deceit.
Chaos and Anarchy.
Wind and Transformation.

8. Which iconic quote resonates with you the most?

"I will bring chaos to the land."
"I will transform this world as I see fit."
"Anyone who stands in my way will bow before me!"
"The world will crumble to my power!"

9. How do you react to defeat?

Manipulate the situation for a comeback.
Rage and promise swift vengeance.
Find another way to rise to power.
Chaos and destruction as a last resort.