How Well Do You Know Futurama? Take This Quiz to Test Your Knowledge!
How Well Do You Know Futurama? Take This Quiz to Test Your Knowledge!
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Created 6/25/2024
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Are you a true fan of the animated sci-fi sitcom, Futurama? Think you know everything there is to know about Fry, Bender, Leela, and the rest of the Planet Express crew? Put your Futurama knowledge to the test with this challenging quiz and see how many facts you've missed!
1. What does Bender's apartment number 00100100 represent in binary?
The letter A
Press F to Pay Respects
The dollar sign
Robot serial number
2. What original song inspired Matt Groening to create Futurama?
Robot Blues
Space Oddity
Electric Dreams
Rocket Man
3. Where did the title 'Futurama' originally come from?
A 90s Cyberpunk Novel
The 1939 World’s Fair General Motors exhibit
A 1980s Sci-fi movie
A Popular Science magazine
4. What inspired the name Turanga Leela?
A type of Dance
An Alien Language
A Symphony by Oliver Messiaen
A Star Named Turanga
5. What is Professor Farnsworth’s first name based on?
Philo Farnsworth, Inventor of the TV
Philosopher's Stone
Phileas Fogg, Adventurer
A 1950s TV Show
6. What was Bender’s antenna used as in different episodes?
A Tuning Fork
A Beer Pump
A Paintbrush
A Thermostat
7. Who is the annoying fan character Cubert originally meant to represent?
The younger version of Bender
An online gaming critic
A pizza delivery man
An annoying fan pointing out the show's flaws
8. Why did Grover Cleveland's head appear twice in the Hall of Presidents?
An animation error
A joke about his two non-consecutive terms
A glitch caused by Fry
Cleveland cloned himself
9. Which sounds from other media were used in Futurama's episodes?
The Flintstones' yabba-dabba-doo
The Jetsons' spaceship sound
Star Trek phaser sounds
Blaster fire from Star Wars
10. What was the show's alternate title considered by Matt Groening before settling on Futurama?
The Future Is Now
Space Odyssey
Aloha Mars
11. What character does Bender share his name with from an 80s movie?
John Bender from The Breakfast Club
Bender from Bender's Big Score
Benny the Jet Rodriguez
Johnny 5 from Short Circuit
12. Which series' character did the name URL of Officer URL derive from?
Technology Abbreviation
Dungeons & Dragons
Internet Terminology
13. What is Leela's full name?
Lila Leelandra
Turanga Leela
Lela Lora
Leelie Tura
14. What significant event nearly caused Matt Groening to pull the plug on the show?
A disagreement over Bender’s attitude
The animation style
Merchandising revenue splits
Air time schedule
15. What language have fans not been able to decipher in Futurama?
The first alien language
The second alien language
The third alien language
The fourth alien language
16. What is the title of an unmade parody episode inspired by Martin Scorsese’s films?
Raging Bender
Taxi Robot
Gangs of New New York
Goodfella Bender
17. What did Fry say when he was diagnosed with 'Simpsons Jaundice'?
Holy Moly
Aye Caramba
Eat My Shorts
18. Which real number does Bender scream after seeing a reversed binary sequence in a mirror?
19. What was the greeting Lrrr gave to his wife ND-ND inspired by?
Star Trek
The Honeymooners
Futurama itself
30 Rock
20. What familiar Simpsons character appeared in a number of Futurama episodes including the premiere?