Futurama Trivia: Uncover the Hidden Gems of the Show!

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Created 6/24/2024



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Think you're a true Futurama fan? Test your knowledge with this quiz filled with fascinating facts and easter eggs that you probably never noticed before!

Think you're a true Futurama fan? Test your knowledge with this quiz filled with fascinating facts and easter eggs that you probably never noticed before!

1. What exhibit was the show's name 'Futurama' based on?

The Great Exhibition of 1851
The 1939 New York World's Fair
Epcot Center
The Universal Exposition of 1889

2. What is the significance of the number '1010011010' written in blood in the episode 'The Honking'?

Bender's manufacturing code
Binary for 666, the Number of the Beast
A code for a treasure location
An Easter egg reference to The Matrix

3. What game parody is played by Leela and Professor Farnsworth in 'Fry and the Slurm Factory'?

Three-dimensional chess
Multi-tiered Scrabble
Holographic Battleships
Virtual Reality Monopoly

4. What does the graffiti heart with the initials HS and MB in 'Hell Is Other Robots' refer to?

Fry and Leela
Bender and Fry
Homer and Marge from The Simpsons
A secret code for fans

5. What is the name of the demon in 'The Honking'?


6. What type of beer hologram does Bender hold in 'The Cryonic Woman'?

Milwaukee's Soft
St. Pauli Exclusion Principle Girl Beer
Duff Beer
Pabst Blue Ribbon

7. Who created a real mathematical theorem for Futurama?

Matt Groening
Ken Keeler
David X. Cohen
Bill Oakley

8. What was Seymour, from 'Jurassic Bark', based on?

A real Akita dog in Japan
Matt Groening's childhood dog
A famous TV dog
An ancient fossil

9. What show does Neptunian chef Elzar parody in the Hulu premiere episode?

Iron Chef
The Great British Bake Off
Top Chef

10. What pop culture reference is shown in the episode 'War Is the H-Word'?

Ice-nine from Cat's Cradle
A lightsaber duel
A reference to The Terminator
A parody of Tron

11. What object described by Felix Klein is referenced in Futurama?

Moebius strip
Klein bottle
Penrose stairs

12. Who is among the cryogenically frozen celebrities in 'The Cryonic Woman'?

Miley Cyrus
Weird Al Yankovic
Elvis Presley

13. What show's continuity does Futurama share references with?

South Park
Family Guy
The Simpsons
Rick and Morty

14. How did Futurama reference 'The Simpsons' in the 'Pilot' episode?

Duff Beer billboard
Bart Simpson graffiti
Homer's head in the Head Museum
Lisa's saxophone

15. What became an unexpected new vermin in Futurama's New York City?


16. What number is prominently used as an Easter egg throughout Futurama?


17. Where did the show's creator draw inspiration from for the character Bender?

Blade Runner
The Jetsons
Weird Science
Star Wars

18. What is the importance of the 'Space Wasp's Stomach' envelope in 'Space Pilot 3000'?

It contains Bender's blueprint
It holds the previous crew's career chips
It's a key to Planet Express
It's a treasure map

19. What creature did Bender inherit a mansion from in 'The Honking'?

A ghost
A vampire
A werewolf
A zombie

20. What hidden message is written in an alien language on the Futurama season 4 DVDs?

'You are a super fan!'
'Watch out for Omicronians!'
'Compulsive Nerdlinger'
'Matt Groening rules!'