Which Baldur's Gate III Character Are You?
Idyllic via DISCORD
Created 7/16/2024

Dive into the world of Baldur's Gate III and discover which iconic character matches you best!
1. You encounter a group of goblins attacking a defenseless village. How do you respond?
Charge in to protect the villagers, using brute force.
Use stealth to eliminate the goblins without being seen.
Try to negotiate with the goblins, offering them something in exchange for peace.
Cast a spell to scare away or immobilize the goblins.
2. You discover a powerful magical artifact. What do you do with it?
Study it carefully to understand its properties before using it.
Sell it to the highest bidder.
Seal it away where it can't be misused by anyone.
Use it immediately to gain an advantage in your mission.
3. An NPC betrays your party and steals from you. How do you handle the situation?
Report them to the authorities.
Trick them into returning and then capture them.
Forgive them, hoping they will change their ways.
Hunt them down and take back what was stolen, possibly exacting revenge.
4. You find a group of people performing a forbidden ritual. How do you react?
Stop the ritual immediately, using force if necessary.
Join the ritual if it seems like it could be beneficial.
Warn them of the consequences and try to convince them to stop.
Observe from a distance to gather more information.
5. You are alone in a dark forest and hear cries for help. What do you do?
Send a magical or animal companion to investigate.
Ignore the cries, believing it to be a trick.
Rush towards the cries to help, regardless of the danger.
Approach cautiously, ready for a trap.
6. During a diplomatic mission, your companion insults a powerful noble. How do you handle the situation?
Apologize and attempt to smooth things over diplomatically.
Leave the scene and regroup with your companion later.
Stand by your companion and challenge the noble's reaction.
Distract the noble to defuse the situation.
7. You're offered a chance to gain immense power that comes with a moral compromise. What do you do?
Reject the offer, keeping your moral integrity intact.
Negotiate the terms to minimize the compromise.
Pretend to accept, then look for a way out later.
Accept immediately, power is worth any cost.
8. You come across a dangerous beast terrorizing a small town. How do you respond?
Track the beast and set a trap for it.
Study the beast to find its weakness before engaging.
Talk to the townsfolk to find another way to deter the beast.
Dive into battle and try to kill the beast.
9. Your party is low on resources and encounters a traveling merchant. How do you negotiate?
Try to charm the merchant for a discount.
Offer a fair deal, emphasizing cooperation.
Intimidate the merchant to lower their prices.
Steal the resources when they're not looking.
10. How do you prefer to engage in combat?
Utilizing spells and magic.
Close combat using melee weapons.
Combining physical and magical attacks.
Attacking from a distance with ranged weapons.
11. You witness an ally about to be killed during a battle. What do you do?
Use covering fire or spells to distract the attacker.
Trust your ally to handle themselves.
Use the opportunity to flank the enemy.
Immediately rush to help your ally, risking yourself.
12. A powerful entity offers to teach you a forbidden spell. What do you do?
Negotiate for the spell in exchange for a future favor.
Pretend to accept, then betray the entity.
Decline, forbidden knowledge is too dangerous.
Take the offer, the knowledge is worth the risk.
13. You've been captured and imprisoned by your enemies. How do you plan your escape?
Create a distraction to cover your escape.
Overpower the guards with physical strength.
Wait for the right moment to sneak out.
Use magic or intelligence to outwit your captors.