Which Baldur's Gate 3 Faction Would You Join?



Created 6/24/2024



Q & A

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Discover your fate in Baldur's Gate 3 by finding out which faction you should join! Take this quiz to see how well you know the factions of this epic role-playing game.

Discover your fate in Baldur's Gate 3 by finding out which faction you should join! Take this quiz to see how well you know the factions of this epic role-playing game.

1. What is your preferred way of dealing with enemies?

Sneak around and strike from the shadows.
Engage directly, showing strength and might.
Use the environment and magic to gain the upper hand.
Negotiate and persuade others to join your cause.

2. How do you feel about maintaining balance between civilization and nature?

It's important to me, harmony is key.
It’s irrelevant, power is what matters.
It’s a good secondary goal.
As long as it serves my long-term plans, I don’t mind.

3. What is your view on law and order?

Law and order are paramount for a stable society.
They are tools to be manipulated for greater power.
They should be subverted for personal gain.
Order is useful, but sometimes chaos is necessary.

4. How would you handle protecting cultural heritage?

It’s essential; culture and history define us.
Only if it has value in advancing my power.
I wouldn’t bother unless there’s a benefit.
It’s important for maintaining social stability.

5. If you found a powerful artifact, what would you do with it?

Try to learn its history and preserve it.
Sell it to the highest bidder.
Use it to strengthen my position.
Guard it and use it only in dire need.

6. How do you feel about working within a structured organization?

I thrive in structured environments.
I prefer flexibility and independence.
Hierarchy is essential for command and control.
I can adapt to any structure if it benefits me.

7. Which of these would you prioritize in your group?

Peace and stability.
Wealth and influence.
Strength and defense.
Secrecy and deception.

8. How do you recruit new members to your cause?

Inspire them with a greater vision.
Persuade them with promises of gold.
Show them the power of our group.
Coerce them if necessary.

9. What role do animals and nature play in your organization?

Central; we protect nature and its inhabitants.
Pragmatic; use nature's resources when necessary.
Minimal; focus on more immediate human concerns.
Secondary; useful for gaining advantages.

10. How do you view the concept of the 'greater good'?

The greater good is worth any sacrifice.
It’s a concept I can leverage for my benefit.
An admirable ideal, but difficult to achieve.
It’s irrelevant; personal goals matter most.