What Type of Explorer Are You in Elite: Dangerous?


Idyllic via DISCORD

Idyllic via DISCORD

Created 8/7/2024



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Are you a daring trailblazer or a meticulous cartographer? Find out what type of explorer you are in the expansive universe of Elite: Dangerous and discover what makes your exploration style unique!

Are you a daring trailblazer or a meticulous cartographer? Find out what type of explorer you are in the expansive universe of Elite: Dangerous and discover what makes your exploration style unique!

1. What type of ship do you prefer to use for exploration in Elite: Dangerous?

Krait Phantom or Anaconda
Any ship I like and is well-engineered for the task
Asp Explorer or Diamondback Explorer
Small nimble ships like the Cobra Mk III

2. Which module do you always prioritize in your ship's outfitting?

A-graded fuel scoop
Advanced Discovery Scanner
SRV Bay for planet exploration
Detailed Surface Scanner

3. How do you react to unexpected discoveries in uncharted space?

Thoroughly investigate and document everything
Focus on identifying potentially valuable finds
Look for biological signs and visit planets
Move quickly to the next system after a basic scan

4. How comfortable are you with taking risks during exploration?

I'm very risk-tolerant and will take dangerous routes
I balance risk-taking with preparation and planning
I avoid risks, preferring steady and safe routes
I take calculated risks for significant discoveries

5. How do you plan your travel routes?

I plan my travel routes based on known points of interest
I plot random routes to discover new places
I follow popular and scenic routes suggested by others
I use advanced navigation tools to optimize my route

6. When you find a notable discovery, how do you prioritize it?

I evaluate its potential value and mine or collect anything precious
I catalog it quickly and move on to the next discovery
I focus on the historical or biological significance of the find
I document its details thoroughly for future use

7. How do you manage your time during exploration?

I focus most of my time on investigating surface features and anomalies
I spend most of my time scanning and mapping systems in detail
I balance scanning, exploring, and documenting equally
I prioritize long journeys to remote and beautiful destinations

8. How do you ensure your exploration missions are profitable?

I mine and sell rare minerals discovered in uncharted systems
I don't focus on profits; exploration itself is my reward
I prioritize quick scans and sell data in bulk
I sell detailed scans of valuable planets and systems

9. How much interest do you have in the lore and history of the systems you explore?

I'm primarily focused on scientific data, lore is secondary
I'm deeply interested in the history and lore of each system I visit
I have a moderate interest and sometimes look into it
I focus mostly on exploration mechanics and gameplay

10. How do you handle long-distance travel in Elite: Dangerous?

I use Neutron star boosts to shorten my travel time
I prepare for a long journey and savor the experience
I travel efficiently using route plotting tools
I make frequent stops to explore interesting systems on the way

11. What drives you to pursue exploration in Elite: Dangerous?

Detailed documentation and mapping of systems
The thrill of discovering uncharted territories
Searching for alien life and new biological phenomena
Finding rare and valuable treasures

12. How do you prioritize discoveries during your explorations?

I prioritize discoveries that contribute to the broader knowledge of the galaxy
I look for valuable resources to maximize profits
I prioritize documenting rare and scientifically significant finds
I investigate the history and lore behind discoveries