Which Astroneer Planet Should You Explore First?

Idyllic via DISCORD

Idyllic via DISCORD

Created 8/5/2024



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Find out which planet in the Astroneer universe best matches your playstyle, exploration preferences, and in-game goals. Delve into a world where your personality leads you to the perfect planet!

Find out which planet in the Astroneer universe best matches your playstyle, exploration preferences, and in-game goals. Delve into a world where your personality leads you to the perfect planet!

1. What is your preferred playstyle in Astroneer?

Facing tough challenges and conquering hostile environments.
Building a robust base with all necessary facilities.
Gathering as many resources as efficiently as possible.
Exploring new biomes and discovering hidden relics.

2. What do you enjoy most about exploration in Astroneer?

Finding new and diverse biomes.
Navigating through difficult terrain and surviving.
Identifying the best spots for base construction.
Collecting rare resources.

3. What is your favorite in-game task?

Exploring underground caves and finding hidden treasures.
Overcoming environmental challenges and hazards.
Collecting and processing new resources.
Building and expanding my base.

4. Which equipment do you prioritize in game?

Power generators and storage.
Survival and environmental monitoring tools.
Resource mining equipment.
Exploration gear and vehicles.

5. What kind of challenges do you enjoy in Astroneer?

Scavenging and resource management.
Long-distance exploration and discovery.
Building and managing complex bases.
Environmental hazards and survival difficulties.

6. What's your primary goal in Astroneer?

Mining and collecting valuable resources.
Overcoming harsh and demanding environments.
Discovering new environments and biomes.
Establishing a strong, self-sufficient base.

7. What type of environment do you prefer?

Lush and green, resembling Earth.
Arid and desert-like with dunes.
Toxic and hazardous conditions.
Frozen and icy landscapes.

8. What is your approach to power generation?

Using other forms of power like RTGs or organic generators.
Utilizing abundant solar power.
Harnessing wind power.
Balancing both solar and wind power.

9. Which resources are your priority when starting on a new planet?

Basic metals like Sphalerite and Malachite.
Intermediates such as Hematite and Hydrazine.
Volatile compounds like Sulfur and Methane.
High-value metals like Lithium and Titanite.

10. What leisure activity would you most likely spend time on in Astroneer?

Scouting new areas and finding hidden treasures.
Mining deep into the planet for rare resources.
Conquering and surviving tough environments.
Tinkering and improving my base.

11. What type of base would you like to build?

A mobile base with the ability to travel across the planet.
A well-defended, efficient resource hub.
A specialized, compact base for extreme conditions.
An expansive, interconnected base with multiple outposts.

12. What is your approach to dealing with environmental threats in Astroneer?

Avoiding threats by careful planning and preparation.
Facing and overcoming threats head-on.
Mitigating risks through technological upgrades.
Relocating or adapting strategies as needed.

13. What do you hope to achieve by exploring different planets in Astroneer?

Building multiple interconnected bases.
Testing my survival skills in extreme conditions.
Finding and mining rare resources.
Discovering and exploring new environments.