Discover Your Perfect Rush Song Based on Your Mood


Idyllic via DISCORD

Idyllic via DISCORD

Created 8/5/2024



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Are you a lifelong Rush fan or just diving into their discography? This quiz will explore your current emotions, favorite albums, and listening habits to recommend the perfect Rush song for you right now!

Are you a lifelong Rush fan or just diving into their discography? This quiz will explore your current emotions, favorite albums, and listening habits to recommend the perfect Rush song for you right now!

1. How are you feeling right now?

Introspective and contemplative.
Epic and imaginative.
Empowered and assertive.
Lively and joyful.

2. Which Rush album would you say is your favorite?

Permanent Waves
Moving Pictures
A Farewell to Kings

3. When do you usually listen to music?

For relaxation.
During workouts.
For fun and celebration.
During study or work.

4. Which tempo do you prefer in a song?

Medium and steady.
Variable with lots of changes.
Slow and relaxed.
Fast and energetic.

5. What kind of instrumental focus do you enjoy?

Synth and electronic.
Drum patterns.
Guitar solos.
Bass and rhythm.

6. Which is a favorite lyrical theme?

Personal empowerment.
Social commentary.
Personal reflection.
Fantasy and mythology.

7. Do you prefer songs that are...

Evolving and changing frequently.
Short and to the point.
Medium, with a balance.
Long and detailed.

8. How important are thoughtful or intellectual lyrics to you?

Very important.
I prefer emotion over intellect.
Somewhat important.
Not very important.

9. Which Rush lyric resonates most with you?

“The world is, the world is love and life are deep” - Tom Sawyer
“The point of a journey is not to arrive” - Prime Mover
“Freewill” - Freewill
“All this machinery making modern music can still be open-hearted” - The Spirit of Radio

10. Would you prefer a song that...

Challenges you to think.
Inspires you.
Reflects on life.
Tells a story.

11. During which era of Rush's music do you feel most connected?

The 1980s (e.g., Moving Pictures, Signals).
The 1970s (e.g., A Farewell to Kings, Hemispheres).
The 1990s (e.g., Counterparts, Roll the Bones).
The 2000s and beyond (e.g., Snakes & Arrows, Clockwork Angels).

12. Which narrative style do you prefer in a song?

Direct and personal.
Complex and multi-layered.
Abstract and poetic.
Reflective and narrative.

13. Finally, what kind of mood are you looking to end your listening session in?

Calm and reflective.
Thoughtful and introspective.
Inspired and motivated.
Energized and lively.