Which Radiohead Song Matches Your Mood?


Idyllic via DISCORD

Idyllic via DISCORD

Created 8/17/2024



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Ever wondered which Radiohead song perfectly encapsulates your current feelings? This quiz will dive into your emotional state and music preferences to find the ideal track from the band's rich discography to resonate with your soul.

Ever wondered which Radiohead song perfectly encapsulates your current feelings? This quiz will dive into your emotional state and music preferences to find the ideal track from the band's rich discography to resonate with your soul.

1. How are you feeling right now?

Disillusioned or disappointed with a glimmer of hope
Reflective and seeking simplicity
Out of place and yearning for acceptance
Deeply sad and melancholic

2. Which Radiohead album resonates most with you?

OK Computer
The Bends
In Rainbows
Kid A

3. What kind of activity do you enjoy when you're feeling down?

Seeking solitude in nature
Talking to friends or loved ones
Listening to melancholic music and reflecting
Engaging in creative or artistic activities

4. How do you typically cope with stress?

Talking with close friends or family
Taking long walks or exercising
Expressing myself through writing or art
Listening to music and zoning out

5. What’s your ideal setting when you need to unwind?

At a cozy café or library
In a bustling city setting
Surrounded by nature
In a quiet, familiar place

6. How do you feel about changes and uncertainties?

I feel anxious or uneasy
I feel indifferent or neutral
I feel excited and embrace them
I feel thoughtful and reflective

7. Which lyrics resonate with you more?

'For a minute there, I lost myself'
'Yesterday I woke up sucking on lemon'
'You’ll go to hell for what your dirty mind is thinking'
'I’m a creep, I’m a weirdo, what the hell am I doing here?'

8. How do you handle difficult emotions?

By confronting them head-on
By distracting myself with other activities
Through deep reflection and introspection
By expressing them creatively

9. Which of these situations best describes your current life context?

Looking for inspiration and hope
In a period of deep reflection
Facing a lot of uncertainty and change
Struggling with feelings of loneliness or isolation

10. What kind of music do you need right now?

Something melancholic and deep
Something hopeful and uplifting
Something soothing and reflective
Something energizing and intense

11. How often do you listen to Radiohead?

Obsessively, I know most of their discography by heart
Casually, a fan but not too deep into their catalog
Often, but I still discover new things in their songs
Occasionally, I like them but they’re not my go-to

12. What kind of lyrics usually resonate with you?

Introspective and philosophical
Emotional and raw
Reflective and contemplative
Dark and mysterious