Which Dungeons & Dragons Character Are You?


Idyllic via DISCORD

Idyllic via DISCORD

Created 7/30/2024



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Are you a fearless warrior, a cunning rogue, or a wise mage? Discover which D&D character class matches your personality!

Are you a fearless warrior, a cunning rogue, or a wise mage? Discover which D&D character class matches your personality!

1. How do you prefer to handle conflicts in your adventures?

Set traps and strike from the shadows.
Use spells and magic to gain an advantage.
Protect and heal my allies while holding the line.
Charge in headfirst with raw strength.

2. Which environment do you feel most in tune with?

Ancient ruins and dark dungeons.
Busy cities and bustling markets.
Holy temples and places of worship.
Lush forests and wild landscapes.

3. What motivates you the most during your adventures?

The thrill of battle and proving my strength.
The pursuit of knowledge and mastery of magic.
Resourcefulness and achieving my goals through cunning means.
Protecting others and upholding justice.

4. How do you approach teamwork and collaboration in your party?

Work independently but coordinate for the best outcome.
Provide strategic advice and back up my allies.
Lead the charge and inspire others.
Support and heal my teammates.

5. Which element of adventure excites you the most?

Engaging in epic battles and glorious combat.
Stealth missions and high-stakes espionage.
Uncovering ancient mysteries and arcane secrets.
Exploring new lands and surviving in the wild.

6. What type of combat style suits you best?

Casting powerful spells from afar.
From a distance, using ranged weapons.
Using a mix of both magic and combat.
Up close and personal, relying on physical prowess.

7. Which trait best describes your personality?

Brave and fearless.
Cunning and resourceful.
Wise and knowledgeable.
Charismatic and persuasive.

8. How do you view rules and ethics?

Adhere to a strict code of honor.
Balance rules with practicality.
Question and redefine the rules constantly.
Follow my own set of rules, flexible as needed.

9. What type of skills do you value the most?

Stealth and agility.
Physical strength and endurance.
Intellect and arcane knowledge.
Charisma and social prowess.

10. How do you prefer to solve problems?

Find creative and unconventional solutions.
Rely on stealth and manipulation.
Use intelligence and planning.
Face them head-on with determination.

11. What's your approach to magical vs. physical combat?

I solely rely on my physical skills.
I use magic to enhance my physical abilities.
I depend on magical prowess.
I mix both magic and physical skills.

12. How do you view loyalty vs. freedom?

Loyalty and honor are paramount.
Loyalty is important if it aligns with my greater goals.
A balance between loyalty and freedom is best.
Freedom to forge my own path is essential.

13. What type of journeys or missions do you prefer?

Adventures filled with magic and arcane discoveries.
Investigative missions involving mystery and intrigue.
Epic quests with noble causes.
Explorations into unknown and wild territories.