Which Dungeons & Dragons Class Are You?


Idyllic via DISCORD

Idyllic via DISCORD

Created 7/19/2024



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Are you a courageous fighter, a wise wizard, or a sneaky rogue? Discover your true D&D class by answering these fun and revealing questions.

Are you a courageous fighter, a wise wizard, or a sneaky rogue? Discover your true D&D class by answering these fun and revealing questions.

1. How do you prefer to approach a dungeon?

Scout ahead to identify threats and find the best strategic approach.
Use magic to detect traps and avoid unnecessary conflict.
Charge in headfirst, with weapons at the ready!
Communicate with nature to understand the environment and its inhabitants.

2. In combat, what role do you prefer to play?

Striking from the shadows with precision.
Supporting my allies with healing and buffs.
Casting powerful spells from a safe distance.
Frontline warrior, taking and dealing damage.

3. A decision needs to be made by your adventuring party. How do you contribute?

I use charm and wit to persuade others.
I listen and speak my mind when necessary.
I seek divine guidance or moral high ground.
I provide strategic insights and tactical advice.

4. How do you handle moral dilemmas?

I uphold justice and protect the innocent.
I seek balance and natural order.
I rely on the guidance of a higher power or personal code.
I do what benefits me and my allies.

5. You find a lost magical artifact. What do you do with it?

Use it to benefit my party and myself.
Study it to understand its power and secrets.
Find ways to leverage it for a tactical advantage.
Ensure it's kept safe and out of the wrong hands.

6. What type of combat abilities do you prefer?

Channeling divine or primal powers to enhance my abilities.
Executing precise and deadly strikes.
Mastering various weapons and physical combat techniques.
Casting versatile spells and using magic creatively.

7. What is your preferred role in a team?

Supporting and healing my teammates.
Leading the charge and protecting my allies.
Dealing massive damage and taking down key targets.
Providing strategic support and flexibility.

8. What motivates you to go on adventures?

Serving a higher purpose or my deity's will.
The thrill of battle and the test of my skills.
Protecting the natural world and maintaining balance.
Seeking knowledge and uncovering secrets.

9. How do you prefer to travel across the land?

On foot, blending with the wilderness.
Riding a steed or another mount.
Traveling in a group, ensuring everyone stays safe.
Using teleportation or other magical means.

10. How do you handle conflicts within your party?

By mediating and finding a compromise.
Using charm or wit to diffuse the situation.
Keeping a low profile and staying out of it.
Standing firm by my principles, no matter the cost.

11. What type of magical abilities do you favor?

Raw elemental power and destructive spells.
Nature-based spells and shapeshifting.
Enchantments and illusion to control the battlefield.
Divine magic for healing and protection.

12. Your party faces a powerful foe. What is your initial strategy?

Cast spells to weaken and control the enemy.
Stay hidden and look for an opportune moment to strike.
Charge into battle and draw attention to myself.
Analyze the situation and plan the best course of action.

13. What is your favorite type of terrain to adventure in?

Battlefields and open plains.
Urban environments and bustling cities.
Ancient ruins and dungeons.
Dense forests and wildlands.