Discover Your Inner Zelda Villain

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Created 7/14/2024



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Ever wondered which notorious Zelda villain you resonate with the most?

Ever wondered which notorious Zelda villain you resonate with the most?

1. You have an opportunity to conquer two neighboring kingdoms, what is your first strategic move?

Use magic to create a natural disaster that brings both kingdoms to their knees.
Challenge the strongest warrior of each kingdom and defeat them in combat.
Launch a simultaneous surprise attack to overwhelm both kingdoms.
Manipulate key figures within the kingdoms to gradually weaken them from within.

2. A trusted ally betrays you. How do you react?

Magically enslave them to serve as a reminder of your power.
Secretly plot an elaborate revenge to make them regret their actions.
Publicly punish them as an example to deter future betrayals.
Use their betrayal to sow chaos and further your own goals.

3. You are faced with a powerful enemy. What is your preferred strategy?

Use deception and trickery to turn their allies against them.
Create a diversion and attack them when they are vulnerable.
Unleash powerful magical attacks to overpower them.
Confront them directly with brute force.

4. A philosophical dilemma arises: power at the cost of freedom. How do you proceed?

Balance power with ensuring just enough freedom to keep subjects content.
Use freedom as a guise while consolidating power behind the scenes.
Avoid the dilemma altogether by creating a realm where neither power nor freedom matters.
Seize power at any cost, as freedom is meaningless without strength.

5. In a bid for ultimate power, you need to harness the energy from ancient artifacts. How do you get them?

Steal the artifacts under the cover of magical illusions.
Use dark rituals to summon the artifacts directly to you.
Conquer the lands where the artifacts are held.
Manipulate guardians or keepers of the artifacts to hand them over.

6. You can raise a loyal army or summon fearsome monsters. Which do you choose?

Summon fearsome monsters that spread terror.
Create a mix of both for versatility.
Raise a loyal army that obeys your every command.
Enchant the land itself to fight for you.

7. A portal opens to a parallel world. How do you utilize it?

Use the portal for strategic retreats and surprise attacks.
Play the rival factions of both worlds against each other.
Merge both worlds into one chaotic realm under your control.
Conquer both worlds and rule them as one.

8. You need to secure your stronghold. What defenses do you prioritize?

Impenetrable walls and powerful gates.
Constantly shifting illusions to confuse intruders.
Mystical barriers and enchanted traps.
A loyal guard of elite warriors.

9. A hero challenges your reign. What is your plan?

Engage them in a one-on-one duel to affirm your supremacy.
Set traps and obstacles to wear them down.
Use psychological manipulation to break their spirit.
Send underlings to weaken them before the final encounter.

10. You discover a powerful ancient spell. What do you do with it?

Keep it secret as your ultimate trump card.
Unleash it immediately to demonstrate your might.
Use it selectively to maintain an aura of mystery.
Study it carefully to fully understand its potential