What 'Pretty Little Liars' Secret Do You Have? Quiz


Created 6/26/2024



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Discover which 'Pretty Little Liars' secret you have and uncover the truth about your hidden identity!

Discover which 'Pretty Little Liars' secret you have and uncover the truth about your hidden identity!

1. Which PLL character do you relate to the most when it comes to keeping secrets?


2. What's your go-to strategy to protect a deep secret?

Cover it up with another lie
Confide in a trusted friend
Avoid the topic entirely
Distract others with a different secret

3. If you were blackmailed by 'A', how would you respond?

Try to outsmart 'A'
Give in to the demands
Seek help from friends
Keep the secret and stay silent

4. What's your biggest fear about someone discovering your secret?

Legal consequences
Losing a loved one
Public humiliation
Betraying someone's trust

5. How far would you go to keep your secret safe?

Lie to everyone including close friends
Create fake evidence
Distract with another drama
Run away from the situation

6. How do you feel about keeping a secret that could hurt someone you care about?

Torn but determined
Anxious but resolute
Relieved to have control
Conflicted and doubtful

7. What kind of secret are you most likely to keep?

A relationship scandal
A past mistake or crime
A friend's confidential information
A personal or family secret

8. How do you usually handle stress from keeping secrets?

Confide in a journal
Distance myself from the issue
Seek solace in activities or hobbies
Talk it out with someone trusted

9. Who would you trust the least to keep a secret?

A new friend
A family member
A colleague
A romantic partner

10. If your secret came out, what's the worst possible outcome you fear?

Life-altering consequences
Ruined relationships
Social ostracism
Emotional breakdown