Which 'Pretty Little Liars' Villain Are You? Quiz


Created 6/26/2024



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Find out which villain from 'Pretty Little Liars' you are most like with this fun quiz! Discover your dark side and uncover your inner villain.

Find out which villain from 'Pretty Little Liars' you are most like with this fun quiz! Discover your dark side and uncover your inner villain.

1. How would your friends describe your personality?

Intelligent and strategic
Kind and caring
Persistent and loyal
Trustworthy but aggressive

2. When facing a problem, what is your first approach?

Analyze all possible solutions logically
Consider everyone’s feelings before acting
Work tirelessly until it’s resolved
Trust your instincts and react quickly

3. What is your biggest flaw?

Putting too much pressure on myself
Being too naïve and trusting
Jealousy and occasional vindictiveness
Impulsiveness and aggression

4. What motivates you the most?

Being right and proving myself
Helping others and being supportive
Achieving my goals no matter what
Protecting my loved ones

5. How do you handle betrayal?

Seek revenge strategically
Find a way to forgive and move on
Confront the betrayer directly
Cut ties and protect yourself

6. What quality do you most admire in others?


7. How do you approach friendships?

Choose friends who challenge me intellectually
Form deep, emotional connections
Value loyalty above all else
Keep a small, trustworthy circle

8. What kind of leader are you?

A strategic and calculated leader
A compassionate leader who listens
A determined and relentless leader
A protective and assertive leader

9. What’s your idea of a perfect day?

Solving a challenging puzzle or problem
Spending time with loved ones
Working on a long-term project
Relaxing and feeling secure

10. What do you fear the most?

Failing to meet expectations
Losing those I care about
Being outsmarted or defeated
Betrayal from those I trust