Find Your Perfect Song Match

Idyllic via DISCORD

Idyllic via DISCORD

Created 7/30/2024



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Feeling happy, sad, nostalgic, or energetic? This quiz will find the perfect song for your current mood.

Feeling happy, sad, nostalgic, or energetic? This quiz will find the perfect song for your current mood.

1. What's your current mood?

I need something to calm my nerves.
Feeling really down...
I'm bursting with enthusiasm!
I feel on top of the world!

2. What kind of tempo resonates with you right now?

Slow and calming
Somewhere in between
Smooth and steady
Fast and upbeat

3. Which music genre do you find most appealing?


4. How energetic do you want the song to be?

Moderately energetic
Somewhere in between
Relaxed and low energy
Extremely energetic

5. Do you prefer songs with more upbeat, catchy lyrics or profound, meaningful ones?

Upbeat and catchy
Fun and playful
Profound and meaningful
Somewhere in between

6. Do you find yourself more drawn to songs with a strong beat or more to those with a soothing melody?

Soothing melody
Somewhere in between
Strong beat

7. Which of these activities best matches what you feel like doing?

Dancing and partying
Driving and vibing
Reflecting and introspecting
Chilling and relaxing

8. How important are lyrics to you right now?

Extremely important
Somewhat important
Not very important
Not at all important

9. How do you feel about songs that evoke strong emotions?

Prefer to avoid them
Depends on my mood
Love them

10. Do you enjoy songs that tell a story or ones that focus more on the instrumental elements?

Telling a story
Focus on instrumental
Depends on the song
A mix of both

11. How do you feel about songs with a repetitive chorus?

Depends on my mood
Prefer something more varied
They're okay
Love them!

12. When dealing with stress, what kind of music helps you cope?

Reflective and deep
Calm and soothing
Playful and fun
Upbeat and lively

13. Which statement best describes your current situation?

Solo and relaxed
Busy and slightly stressed
Feeling down and need a pick-me-up
Surrounded by friends and having fun