Which Grim Dawn Character are You?

Idyllic via DISCORD

Idyllic via DISCORD

Created 8/16/2024



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Dive into the dark and gritty world of Grim Dawn to discover which character best reflects your combat style, class preference, and strategy. Uncover your true alter-ego and learn more about the distinctive abilities and roles within the game’s universe.

Dive into the dark and gritty world of Grim Dawn to discover which character best reflects your combat style, class preference, and strategy. Uncover your true alter-ego and learn more about the distinctive abilities and roles within the game’s universe.

1. How do you prefer to engage enemies in combat?

I stay back and support my allies with healing and summons.
I like to set traps and use explosives to deal with groups of enemies.
I prefer to cast powerful spells, keeping my distance from enemies.
I rush in with swift melee attacks, overwhelming my foes quickly.

2. What is your favored class combination?

Nightblade and Demolitionist
Soldier and Nightblade
Arcanist and Nightblade
Occultist and Shaman

3. How do you approach quests and challenges?

I support and protect my team while handling quests.
I take on challenges head-on and deal with obstacles immediately.
I adapt to situations as they come, using versatility to overcome obstacles.
I plan carefully and execute my strategy with precision.

4. Which type of weapon do you prefer to use?

Ranged weapons or explosives for tactical engagements.
Magical staves or wands to cast spells from afar.
A mix of melee weapons and powerful spells.
Dual-wield melee weapons for fast attacks.

5. How do you typically align with factions in Grim Dawn?

I support the factions that focus on preserving and healing.
I prefer factions that offer nature-based powers.
I align with factions that offer power and strategic advantage.
I side with the most mystical and arcane factions.

6. How do you react when encountering a powerful boss?

I set up traps and prepare for a strategic takedown.
I charge in with all my strength and determination.
I rely on my summoned creatures to overpower the boss.
I use powerful spells to weaken and destroy from a distance.

7. Which mastery combination intrigues you the most?

Demolitionist and Occultist
Soldier and Shaman
Occultist and Shaman
Shaman and Arcanist

8. How do you handle large groups of enemies?

I use area-of-effect spells to damage many at once.
I slice through them with rapid melee attacks.
I summon creatures to fight on my behalf.
I set explosive traps to devastate them.

9. What’s your preferred battlefield role?

Strategist, controlling the battlefield with tactics.
Frontline fighter, dealing and taking hits.
Spellcaster, decimating foes with magical power.
Supporter, enhancing allies while managing threats.

10. Which environment do you feel most comfortable fighting in?

Ruined cities and ancient battlegrounds.
Volcanic or fiery landscapes.
Mystical and arcane places.
Dense forests and open nature.

11. How do you prefer to develop your character's skills?

I prioritize defensive abilities to survive longer.
I focus on offensive skills to maximize damage output.
I focus on support skills to enhance and heal allies.
I balance between offensive and defensive skills.

12. Which type of damage are you most aligned with?

Chaos and vitality damage.
Physical and piercing damage.
Cold and arcane damage.
Fire and explosive damage.