Which Grim Dawn NPC Are You Based on Your Vibes?


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Created 7/11/2024



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Grim Dawn NPC Quiz

Grim Dawn NPC Quiz

1. How do you prefer to handle difficult decisions?

Seek advice from trusted allies.
Follow a strict moral code.
Carefully weigh all options before making a choice.
Take decisive action based on intuition.

2. Which type of reputation do you value the most?

Being known for your wisdom and guidance.
Having a reputation as a strong protector.
Being known as a resourceful survivor.
Having a reputation for cunning and wit.

3. How do you react in a crisis?

Seek to protect loved ones.
Act quickly and decisively.
Accept the inevitable and adapt.
Stay calm and think logically.

4. What kind of environment do you feel most at home in?

In a bustling market or town.
Out in the wild, exploring new places.
In a secure and orderly environment.
Surrounded by books and knowledge.

5. Which quality do you value most in others?

Wisdom and intelligence.
Loyalty and dedication.
Courage and bravery.
Resourcefulness and cunning.

6. How do you prefer to form alliances?

By demonstrating strength and reliability.
Through mutual benefit and trade.
Through influence and persuasion.
Based on shared values and goals.

7. What drives you to continue in the face of adversity?

A sense of duty and responsibility.
Curiosity and the quest for knowledge.
Survival and self-preservation.
Love and care for others.

8. How do you handle secrets and hidden knowledge?

Use them to gain leverage.
Guard them closely and use when necessary.
Keep them hidden to protect others.
Share them openly for the greater good.

9. What kind of leadership resonates most with you?

A leader who inspires and guides.
A leader who acts with intelligence and foresight.
A leader who collaborates and listens.
A leader who commands respect through strength.

10. What role do you play in a group setting?

The protector, ensuring the safety of others.
The strategist, planning the next move.
The operator, focusing on getting things done efficiently.
The mediator, resolving conflicts and building understanding.

11. What is your approach to achieving your goals?

Persistent and unwavering determination.
Adaptability and clever tactics.
Steadfast focus on long-term planning.
Swift, decisive actions.