Which Ninjago Character Are You?

Idyllic via DISCORD

Idyllic via DISCORD

Created 7/30/2024



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Dive into the world of Ninjago! Find out which ninja you resemble the most by answering questions about your personality, fighting style, and values. Will you be the brave leader or the stealthy warrior?

Dive into the world of Ninjago! Find out which ninja you resemble the most by answering questions about your personality, fighting style, and values. Will you be the brave leader or the stealthy warrior?

1. How do you handle chaotic situations?

I step up and take the lead, ensuring everyone is focused and calm.
I support the leader and provide assistance wherever needed.
I lighten the mood with humor to ease the tension.
I quickly assess and devise a strategic plan.

2. What's your preferred fighting technique?

Adapting my techniques based on the situation and opponent.
Using quick, agile, and precise movements.
Direct confrontation with a lot of energy.
Strategically positioning myself for the best advantage.

3. How do you interact with your friends?

I bring fun and laughter into the group.
I lead and inspire them.
I strategize and help solve problems.
I support them with advice and guidance.

4. How do you deal with enemies?

I try to find a way to redeem them.
I use strategy and wit to outsmart them.
I adapt to their strategies and disrupt their plans.
I confront them head-on with bravery.

5. What value is most important to you?

Wisdom and guidance.
Innovation and intelligence.
Courage and bravery.
Strength and reliability.

6. What's your reaction to failure?

I learn from my mistakes and try again.
I change my approach and try a different strategy.
I seek advice and support from others.
I push myself harder and refuse to give up.

7. How would you describe your sense of humor?

I love making people laugh with jokes and funny stories.
I prefer to stay serious and focused.
I appreciate clever and witty humor.
I don't joke much but enjoy light humor.

8. How do you approach teamwork?

I take charge and guide the team.
I develop strategies and plans.
I support others and ensure we work well together.
I keep spirits high with jokes and encouragement.

9. What's your view on technology?

I appreciate its use but prefer creative and manual skills.
I love using and innovating with technology.
I see it as a helpful tool but not essential.
I prefer traditional methods and rely less on technology.

10. How would your friends describe you?

Funny and relatable.
Wise and thoughtful.
Brave and determined.
Reliable and strong.

11. How do you approach learning new skills?

I dive in headfirst and learn by doing.
I study and plan meticulously before starting.
I experiment and adapt based on what works.
I seek guidance from experts and mentors.

12. How do you handle conflicts within a team?

I isolate myself until the conflict subsides.
I mediate and seek to resolve the issue amicably.
I encourage others to find a common solution.
I take charge and lead the resolution.

13. What motivates you the most?

Improving myself and mastering new skills.
Helping others and making a difference.
Personal growth and overcoming challenges.
The sense of justice and doing what's right.