Which Naruto Character Are You?


Idyllic via DISCORD

Idyllic via DISCORD

Created 7/19/2024



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Dive into the world of Naruto and reveal which shinobi you truly are! Answer 12 questions about your personality, ninja skills, and approach to challenges to find out if you're a natural leader like Naruto, a genius like Shikamaru, or a lone wolf like Sasuke.

Dive into the world of Naruto and reveal which shinobi you truly are! Answer 12 questions about your personality, ninja skills, and approach to challenges to find out if you're a natural leader like Naruto, a genius like Shikamaru, or a lone wolf like Sasuke.

1. How do you handle adversity?

Work with your team to find the best solution.
Strategize and plan your every move.
Avoid it if you can and only fight when necessary.
Face it head-on with unwavering determination.

2. What kind of ninja skills appeal most to you?

Healing and supporting your team.
Raw power and tenacity.
Intelligence and strategy.
Stealth and precision.

3. How do you usually react to setbacks during missions?

Leave it behind and focus on the next step.
Analyze what went wrong and adapt your plan.
Just try harder and never give up.
Get upset but find a way to move forward.

4. What is your preferred role in a team?

The supportive and caring member.
The strategic planner.
The enthusiastic leader.
The quiet observer who takes action when needed.

5. How do you view the concept of power?

Power should be balanced with wisdom and caution.
Power can be a burden, but necessary to bear.
Power is meant to protect those I care about.
Power is a tool to achieve one's goals.

6. What is your view on teamwork?

I prefer working alone.
Essential for success and everyone's survival.
A helpful asset but not always necessary.
Valuable for complicated tasks.

7. What leadership style do you prefer?

Leading by example and inspiring others.
Nurturing and supporting your team.
Staying in the background but guiding firmly.
Using strategies and planning meticulously.

8. What Jutsu or Ninja technique do you find most appealing?

Rasengan or Chidori.
Medical Ninjutsu.
Illusion-based Genjutsu.
Shadow Clone Jutsu.

9. How do you approach personal growth?

Relentlessly train and never give up.
Study and improve through knowledge.
Find inspiration from those around you.
Adapt through experiences and reflection.

10. What motivates you in life?

Achieving personal dreams and ambitions.
Creating a better future for everyone.
Protecting loved ones.
Gaining knowledge and understanding.

11. How do you handle emotional stress?

Transform it into a motivation to become stronger.
Analyze and compartmentalize your feelings.
Bury it and focus on your goals.
Seek support from friends and loved ones.

12. What are your life goals?

Creating peace and unity.
Becoming the best at what you do.
Being a reliable and supportive person for others.
Gathering knowledge and mysteries of the world.