Which Baldur's Gate 3 Character Are You?

Idyllic via DISCORD

Idyllic via DISCORD

Created 8/7/2024



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Dive into the world of Baldur's Gate 3 and discover which character you align with based on your in-game playstyle, decisions, and preferences. Are you a tactical genius or a bold adventurer? Find out now!

Dive into the world of Baldur's Gate 3 and discover which character you align with based on your in-game playstyle, decisions, and preferences. Are you a tactical genius or a bold adventurer? Find out now!

1. How do you prefer to approach a difficult conversation with an NPC?

Use charm and wit to persuade them.
Use your arcane knowledge to find a logical solution.
Listen and then provide a balanced argument.
Intimidate them into agreeing with you.

2. When exploring a dungeon, what is your priority?

Supporting your team and ensuring everyone is safe.
Solving puzzles and finding hidden lore.
Scouting ahead and finding traps.
Charging forward and confronting any threats.

3. You come across a group of bandits harassing a villager. What do you do?

Use a spell to scare them off.
Intervene with force to stop the bandits.
Sneakily take out the bandits one by one.
Negotiate with the bandits to leave peacefully.

4. How do you build your character in terms of abilities?

Balance between strength and intelligence for a versatile approach.
Enhance arcane knowledge and wisdom for strategic spellcasting.
Prioritize strength and resilience to be formidable in combat.
Focus on Dexterity and Charisma to be agile and charming.

5. During a moral dilemma, what's your instinctive choice?

Always choose the path that benefits the greater good.
Follow your own moral compass, even if it’s unconventional.
Seize every opportunity to further your own power.
Act in the best interest of yourself and your party.

6. In combat, what is your approach?

Support allies with healing and defensive spells.
Utilize stealth and precision attacks.
Engage enemies head-on with brute strength.
Control the battlefield with powerful spells.

7. What motivates your character the most?

Protecting and supporting my companions.
The pursuit of personal power and ambition.
Curiosity and a thirst for knowledge.
A sense of duty and doing what's right.

8. How do you handle failure during a skill check?

Brush it off and move on to the next challenge.
Look for support from companions to overcome the challenge.
Retry with a stubborn determination.
Find an alternative solution, using my wits.

9. What's your preferred way to gain experience and level up?

Solve puzzles and uncover secrets.
Engage in combat and defeat powerful enemies.
Explore new areas and gather knowledge.
Complete quests and help others.

10. How do you prefer to interact with your party members?

Support them with advice and healing.
Lead by example and inspire them.
Keep morale high with jokes and stories.
Maintain a professional and focused approach.

11. When faced with a powerful enemy, what is your game plan?

Use strategic spells to outwit them.
Engage them in direct combat to overpower them.
Rally your friends and stand together.
Look for their weaknesses and exploit them.

12. What kind of backstory do you prefer for your character?

A mysterious and secretive background.
A tragic past that drives them forward.
A humble beginning with a rise to power.
A tale of heroism and great deeds.

13. What role do you like to take in a story-driven game?

The intelligent strategist.
The silent but powerful protector.
The wise and supportive guide.
The charismatic leader or face of the group.