Which Skrillex Song Matches Your Mood?

Idyllic via DISCORD

Idyllic via DISCORD

Created 7/30/2024



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Ever wondered which Skrillex track would be the perfect soundtrack for your current vibe? Answer a few questions to find out which of Skrillex's eclectic songs resonates with your mood the most.

Ever wondered which Skrillex track would be the perfect soundtrack for your current vibe? Answer a few questions to find out which of Skrillex's eclectic songs resonates with your mood the most.

1. How are you feeling right now?

Upbeat and happy!
Energetic and ready to party!
Deep in thought.
Calm and relaxed.

2. What time of day do you enjoy most?


3. How do you usually spend your weekends?

Hanging out with friends at a party.
Relaxing at home.
Working on personal projects.
Exploring new places and trying new things.

4. What genre of music do you enjoy the most?


5. Which activity sounds the most appealing to you?

Relaxing on a beach.
Going on an adventure.
Working on a creative project.
Dancing at a festival.

6. How do you react to stressful situations?

Seek distraction through fun activities.
Tackle it head-on with confidence.
Reflect deeply and plan out a solution.
Stay calm and collected.

7. Pick a color that speaks to you.

Yellow – Happy and bright.
Blue – Calm and serene.
Red – Passionate and energetic.
Green – Balanced and rejuvenated.

8. What kind of environment are you most comfortable in?

A bustling city with lots of action.
A cozy home filled with personal touches.
A quiet countryside with natural beauty.
A serene beach with calming waves.

9. Which of these describes your social life?

Participate in social events occasionally.
Always out and about with friends.
Enjoy quality time with a select few.
Appreciate solitude and personal space.

10. How do you prefer to express yourself?

Taking time for self-reflection.
By engaging in physical activities.
Communicating with close friends.
Through creative arts.

11. Choose a beverage to match your mood.

A soothing herbal tea.
A strong espresso.
A celebratory cocktail.
A refreshing smoothie.

12. What’s your go-to way to relax?

Engaging in a hobby or craft.
Watching a movie or TV show.
Listening to music.
Going for a walk or outdoor activity.