Which Sideman and Friends Song Matches Your Mood?

Idyllic via DISCORD

Idyllic via DISCORD

Created 8/5/2024



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Ever wondered which Sideman and friends track best fits your current vibe? Take this quiz to find out the perfect song for your mood based on your current feelings and situations!

Ever wondered which Sideman and friends track best fits your current vibe? Take this quiz to find out the perfect song for your mood based on your current feelings and situations!

1. How are you feeling right now?

Calm and peaceful
Ecstatic and over the moon
Down and feeling blue
Focused and determined

2. What activity do you enjoy the most right now?

Dancing or working out
Hanging out with friends
Meditation or Yoga
Reading or journaling

3. What kind of recent experiences have you had?

Faced some setbacks or challenges
Explored or tried something new
Achieved something significant
Had a peaceful and relaxing time

4. What's your preferred music genre right now?

Romantic or love songs
Soulful or blues
Smooth jazz or classical
Upbeat and lively tracks

5. How often do you interact with others socially?

Only with close friends and family
All the time, I thrive on socializing
Occasionally, I enjoy my own company too
Rarely, I prefer solitude

6. What do you seek in your downtime?

Social time with friends or family
Relaxation and peace
Reflection and thought
Excitement and adventure

7. How do you usually handle stress?

Talking it out with someone
Exercise or physical activity
Meditation or relaxation techniques
Journaling or reflecting in solitude

8. How do you feel about the future?

Content with the present
Hopeful and optimistic
Excited and adventurous
Nostalgic, longing for the past

9. What's your ideal way to spend a weekend?

Spending time with loved ones
Exploring new places
Relaxing at home
Working on personal projects

10. Which of the following best describes your current social life?

Primarily focused on solitude
Mostly with close friends and family
Balanced between social and alone time
Very active and social

11. If you were to pick a color that represents your current mood, what would it be?

Dark and muted colors like black or gray
Calm and cool colors like blue or green
Warm and romantic colors like red or pink
Bright and vibrant colors like yellow or orange

12. What do you want to achieve by the end of today?

Spend meaningful time with friends or family
Relax and recharge
Finish a big task or project
Have some quality 'me' time