Which 'That 70's Show' Character Are You?

Idyllic via DISCORD

Idyllic via DISCORD

Created 7/30/2024



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Dive into the nostalgic world of 'That 70's Show' and discover which quirky, lovable character matches your personality. Whether you're the leader of the gang or the comic relief, this quiz will take you on a groovy trip back to the 70s to find out!

Dive into the nostalgic world of 'That 70's Show' and discover which quirky, lovable character matches your personality. Whether you're the leader of the gang or the comic relief, this quiz will take you on a groovy trip back to the 70s to find out!

1. How do you usually deal with stressful situations?

I stay calm and go with the flow.
I become more serious and focused.
I tend to withdraw and think quietly.
I crack jokes to lighten the mood.

2. Which type of music do you prefer?

Folksy and soulful tunes
Upbeat and fun songs
Classic rock like Led Zeppelin
Pop and disco hits

3. What’s your approach to friendships?

I’m the quirky one, bringing a unique charm to the group.
I’m the loyal follower, always supporting my friends.
I’m the life of the party, making sure everyone has fun.
I’m the leader, organizing and keeping the group together.

4. How do you handle disagreements within your group?

I mediate and try to find a peaceful solution.
I stand my ground and defend my viewpoint.
I joke around to diffuse the tension.
I try to avoid the conflict altogether.

5. What’s your ideal weekend activity?

Watching TV and relaxing at home.
Exploring new places or activities.
Hanging out with friends in my favorite spot.
Shopping and pampering myself.

6. How would you describe your sense of humor?

Warm and cheerful.
Sarcastic and witty.
Goofy and childlike.
Dry and cynical.

7. Which of these best describes your fashion style?

Casual and relaxed.
Glamorous and trendy.
Simple and practical.
Unique and rebellious.

8. How do you show affection to those you care about?

By spending quality time together.
With words of affirmation and praise.
With small gifts and thoughtful gestures.
Through acts of service and helping out.

9. How do you handle receiving advice?

I appreciate it and consider it carefully.
I typically brush it off unless it’s really necessary.
I listen but don’t always follow it.
I usually feel like I know best and stick to my own plans.

10. What's most important in a romantic relationship?

Mutual respect and support.
Physical attraction and excitement.
Shared interests and hobbies.
Trust and honesty.

11. How do you like to spend time with family?

Playing games and having fun.
Having deep conversations.
Doing activities together.
Just being in the same room and enjoying each other's company.

12. What’s your preferred way to resolve a mistake you've made?

I apologize and try to fix it.
I learn from it and make changes for next time.
I make a joke out of it and move on.
I usually avoid addressing it unless absolutely necessary.

13. What motivates you the most?

Enjoying life and having fun.
Achieving my personal goals.
Being recognized and appreciated.
Helping others succeed.