Which Arrested Development Character Are You?

Idyllic via DISCORD

Idyllic via DISCORD

Created 7/19/2024



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Dive into the world of the Bluth family and find out which character you're most like!

Dive into the world of the Bluth family and find out which character you're most like!

1. How do you handle a crisis at work?

Improvise a solution that somehow ends up being surprisingly effective.
Organize the team, delegate tasks, and get it done efficiently.
Use the opportunity to blame everyone else and avoid responsibility.
Panic and make the problem worse before eventually resolving it.

2. What's your idea of a fun weekend?

Binge-watching TV shows alone.
Volunteering at a charity event or social activism.
Spending quality time with family and friends, maybe a BBQ.
Throwing a big party and being the center of attention.

3. How do you usually make big decisions?

Letting others decide and going along with their choice.
Careful consideration and weighing all pros and cons.
Trying to manipulate the decision to get some personal gain out of it.
Going with a gut feeling, no matter the risks.

4. How do you react to criticism?

I get defensive and argue my point.
I laugh it off and make a joke about it.
I ignore it and continue doing what I do.
I take it seriously and try to improve.

5. What's your take on family relationships?

Family is a source of constant drama, but it's interesting.
Family is important, but my personal goals come first.
Family is overbearing and suffocating.
Family is the most important thing in my life.

6. How do you approach new opportunities?

I avoid new opportunities to stay comfortable.
I evaluate risks and rewards before taking action.
I seize the moment and capitalize on it.
I wait for the right moment, even if it takes a while.

7. When faced with a dilemma, your first thought is to:

Do what feels right in the moment.
Immediately choose the option that benefits me the most.
Consult others and follow their advice.
Analyze all possible outcomes and then decide.

8. How do you handle failure?

Blame others for my failure.
Laugh it off and move to the next adventure.
Get discouraged but eventually get back on track.
Learn from it and try again until I succeed.

9. In what way do you seek attention?

I don't actively seek attention but welcome it.
Through dramatic actions and being loud.
By doing good work and letting it speak for itself.
By organizing public events and being in the spotlight.

10. What is your leadership style?

Inspiring others through my actions and enthusiasm.
I prefer to avoid leadership and focus on my tasks.
Firm and assertive, making swift decisions.
Supportive and always listening to team members.