Feeling all the feels and need the perfect emo album to match your mood? Take this quiz to find out which classic or contemporary emo album resonates with your current vibe!
1. How would you describe your current emotional state?
2. What kind of tempo are you in the mood for?
Slow and melodic
Fast and energetic
Mid-tempo and steady
Varied and unpredictable
3. What lyrical themes are you most drawn to right now?
Existential angst
Romantic woes
Personal growth
Hope and despair in balance
4. Which of these activities appeals to you most right now?
Reflecting on past memories
Writing poetry
Hanging out with friends
Going for a late-night drive
5. What kind of vocals do you prefer?
Deep and soothing
High and emotional
Soft and melancholic
Strong and passionate
6. How important is instrumental complexity to you?
Very important
Somewhat important
Not important
Depends on the mood
7. What weather matches your current vibe?
Rainy and overcast
Bright and sunny
Snowy and cold
Windy and cool
8. Which of these best describes your favorite place?
A quiet park
A bustling city
Your own room
A live concert
9. Which album art aesthetic speaks to you the most?
Minimalist and abstract
Dark and gritty
Colorful and vibrant
Vintage and nostalgic
10. What decade's music do you resonate with the most?