Which Emo Anthem Matches Your Mood?


Created 7/2/2024



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Ever wondered which emo anthem perfectly captures your current mood? Take this quiz to find out and get an emotive soundtrack tailored just for you!

Ever wondered which emo anthem perfectly captures your current mood? Take this quiz to find out and get an emotive soundtrack tailored just for you!

1. How do you usually handle your emotions?

I bottle them up until they explode
I talk about them with someone I trust
I express them through art or writing
I try to ignore them and move on

2. Which activity feels most therapeutic to you?

Journaling my thoughts
Listening to music
Exercising or going on a run
Talking with friends

3. What type of weather best matches your mood most frequently?

Cloudy and rainy
Bright and sunny
Stormy and intense
Cool and breezy

4. When you're feeling down, which comfort food do you reach for?

Ice cream

5. How do you cope with betrayal?

I confront the person
I distance myself quietly
I seek revenge in a subtle way
I try to forgive and move on

6. What kind of lyrics resonate with you the most?

Angry and defiant
Heartbroken and melancholic
Hopeful and uplifting
Introspective and self-reflective

7. Which emo fashion accessory speaks to your soul?

Black nail polish
Band T-shirts
Skinny jeans
Studded belts

8. What is your stance on love?

Love is a battlefield
Love is the meaning of life
Love is a fleeting emotion
Love is complicated

9. How do you usually start your day?

With a cup of coffee and some deep thoughts
With a run or some exercise
By listening to music to set the mood
By checking social media

10. If you could pick a setting for your ultimate emo music video, where would it be?

An abandoned warehouse
A rainy city street
A dark, eerie forest
Your own bedroom